We’re happy to introduce the Boomeranger Blowup update, which focuses on a Boomeranger class revamp but also includes user experience updates, chaos crafting updates, new dungeons & much more!
The Boomeranger now gets different versions of his abilities depending on which weapon type is equipped. In addition, upon low health, your fairy companion will heal you and make you invincible for a short time! Finally, new effects have been added to the Ultimate Ability, Mysterious Urn, which is now more explosively phenomenal than ever!
Here is an overview of our newest update – Boomeranger Blowup:
💥 Boomeranger Revamp
💥 User Experience Updates
💥 Chaos Crafting Updates
💥 New Dungeons
💥 New Styles
💥 New Decorations
💥 Many more additional Updates!
You can find the detailed patch notes here.
Don’t waste any time and hop in-game to meet the new Boomeranger!
Best wishes,
Your Trove team!