Trovians, keep cool and enjoy the beautiful summer weather in Trove!
Celebrate Trove’s 7th birthday with exceptional offers & represent your favorite house. Don’t miss this opportunity to complete your collections, and don’t fall out of fashion with three brand-new Sunfest packs!
Take advantage of our Super Sunfest Sale from July 12, 2022, until July 26, 2022, at 11:00 AM UTC – in our in-game store on all platforms!
Discover three brand-new Sunfest packs. These packs contain mounts, costumes, allies & much more to help you represent your favorite house and enjoy the birthday festivities:
House Carys Pool Party
House Panatea Pool Party
House Tysorion Pool Party
In addition, the following Sunfest 2020/2021 packs will make a return to the in-game store:
House Carys Essentials
House Tysorion Essentials
House Panatea Essentials
House Carys Sunfest Spirit Pack
House Tysorion Sunfest Spirit Pack
House Panatea Sunfest Spirit Pack
Enjoy the Sunfest 2022 celebrations!
Best wishes,
Your Trove team!