- The hub now has a community chest. Drop stuff off here for other players!
- There are now rare drop decorations. Look for collectible Rare Bears and biome specific deco pieces.
- Certain monster types will drop trophies.
- Monsters also sometimes drop health potions, town portal potions, or bombs.
- Rare drops increase in chance to drop the higher rank zone you're in.
- Dungeons now have quests. Many small ones and a few big ones.
- Towers are gone! We're in the process to introducing a new dungeon system (and one which anyone can contribute to), in the meantime we only have a single dungeon type.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Gunslinger's shots to appear in a slightly different location for other players.
- Hopefully last fix to keep quests and quests rewards from sometimes spawning on top of trees.
- Reduced total number of zone ranks down to 5 as part of ongoing world balance tuning (shadow items are gone for now, they'll be back).
- Updates to player movement including jump, charge, and blast shot.
- Smoothed camera movement - the camera should move much more smoothly now.
- Adding text to the crafting dialog that tells you when you don't have enough space in your inventory to craft the selected item.
- Fixed a bug in the crafting window sometimes the materials for more than one recipe was listed.
- Fixed a bug where you could craft past the stack limit for an item you already had.
- Now take up to 35% max health from fall damage up from 20%.
- Map facing has been reverted to match the camera facing. People just like it better that way!
- Fixed bug where players on the edge of a quest radius might not get credit for the quest.
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