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Since I've seen no Texture Pack mods for Trove yet I think it's time for a little tutorial description how to create them:
Step 1: Get a .dds-Editor
Install and open any image editor you like, which is able open a .dds file. Many image editor (except Microsoft Paint ) are either able to open .dds out of the box or have dds plugins available. If you are looking for a free image editor with out of the box dds support I would go with Paint.net, but you can use gimp (with dds plugin), adobe illustrator, microsoft visual studio or whatever else is able to edit a dds file too.
Step 2: Open and edit Troves texture map
Open the block_diffuse_sheet.dds file in the textures folder inside your Trove install directory with the editor of you choice. You will see a big image with the textures in the top left corner and a lot of unused black space. Zoom to the top left corner and activate the pixel grid in your editor if supported (paint.net have it).
You will see 13 rows of textures with 14 textures each row (as of 26. February). Each texture for every block is 12 pixel width and height. You can now start to color every pixel of the textures after your imagination, but be careful to not get confused which pixel belong to which texture because the textures are located next to each other without a gap.
Step 3: Save your textures and create the mod:
If you are happy with your edits it's time to create a actual mod out of it. Create somewhere on your computer an empty folder with the name textures. Then open the save as ... dialog in your image editor and save the texture file in the newly created textures folder keeping it's original name block_diffuse_sheet.dds. Now go to the texture folder and create a .zip archive containing this texture folder and name it my_texture_pack.zip or whatever name you want to give your texture pack. Now this .zip file is a valid Trove mod that can be used with any Trove modloader.
Note: You can't use mods to change the ore back to their 3d models, because textures blocks and 3d model blocks (like cornerstone decorations and the old ores) are two complete different techs.
Here a preview of some green note blocks: