Due to having Friday off, the dev team snuck in a Thursday livestream. Featuring a dog in a pirate hat, mention of an achievement system, and talk of the next big update!
- The next big update will be focused on adventuring, and will probably be released in the next 4 - 6 weeks.
- The Cubits system is going to be reworked. There’ll be much more to purchase, Cubits will be given out more generously, but everything bought with Cubits will be bound-to-account.
- The next class will be an adventurer with a unique mix of abilities.
- One of the focuses of the Adventure Update will be combat. It’s what players want; the devs are listening.
- The monster affix system is going to be expanded. The goal is to have higher adventuring levels add more complex, interesting, and challenging mechanics with new conditions and triggers.
- Animation-based boss mechanics are going to be introduced as well, as time permits.
- A badge system (similar to achievements) is also in the works. Many /stats-related categories will play a role in the system, most likely rewarding mastery and items. Kill enough ladybugs and you might get something!
- Boat cannons are “coming along”, and should be implemented “pretty soon”.
- The Pirate Pack should be available for another 2-3 weeks.
- Fishing will continue to be expanded, with more fish to catch and more effects/features for fishing rods. Random fishing encounters are a possibility, but fishing should be relaxing and not dangerous.
- Treasure Isles monster trophies should be implemented soon.
- Treasure Isles lair and dungeon designs are a high priority! Accepted submissions will be rewarded with 1.5 times the normal amount of Credits.
- The idea of ‘hype’ is just a way to filter the amount of submissions Trove gets. Any kind of system that hypothetically would be introduced could be cheated and abused, so implementing one isn’t a huge priority.
- Lots of hype isn’t a guarantee that something will be added to the game. The only thing that actually matters is what the devs think of it. They have the final say.
- It takes a lot of time to review mods and submissions. Players need to have patience, and just because something isn’t added now doesn’t mean it won’t be added in the future.
- Community submissions are a lower priority when the team is working on big updates like Fish ‘N’ Ships.
- Reactions and triggers? Cool idea, but it’d be a massive undertaking.
- One goal of the development team is to introduce tools that improve player interaction with creations.
- New Face of Flow types (plasma, chocolate, etc.) are a possibility, but allowing players to put lava in Cornerstones is something the devs are a wary of.
- The UI is a work in progress. It’s a multiple-step process, so there are going to be bugs, issues, and growing pains.
- Items created in the crafting stream with Atronos will be available next week with the next patch.
- The Soaring Lavafish is not obtainable yet, but it will likely require community collaboration to find and obtain.
- A Mac client is in the works. It should be available this year.
- There will most likely be more friendly NPCs. Wandering vendors is an interesting mechanic, just not when it annoys players.
- RNG karma (in short players will have an increased chance to get a rare drop the longer it’s been since they’ve gotten one) is something the developers have considered, but it has big ramifications for the game.
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