Dear Trovians,
This year, just like last year, you can go back to your childhood and open the little window of our Advent calendar every day in Trove!
Our Santa Claus has put away all his decorative items and he cannot find the decorative elements he needs to start his trip around the world. He would like to hand out tons of gifts and it’s up to you to help him every day. Each decoration you are looking for will be in one of many small Christmas houses! Will you be able to find the correct Christmas house in the club called “Santa Cubique” or “Santa Cubick” (on PS4 US) (/ joinworld Santa Cubique) and take an image of the item he is looking for?
You will need to find 24 different items in specific Christmas houses. Please note that only images of items found in our club will be taken into account and your character and name must be visible! You will be able to find out which item it is thanks to the image that you can find in the forum, every day from 0:01 am CET (11:01 pm UTC).
Take part in our 2021 advent calendar and receive tons of gifts!
You are probably wondering how to participate? It’s very easy!
- Every day from midnight CET (11:00 pm UTC), you will have to come and see what is hidden behind the small window of the Advent calendar in the forum. You will be able to discover an image there! >>> To the Advent calendar 2021 <<<
- The image will contain several items that you can all find in the same Christmas house. But: one of these items in the image will be unique and it is this item that is the one you are looking for and that you will have to find in the club world Santa Cubique.
- Discover the correct item you are looking for, go to the club world of the Santa Cubique, find the correct house and the correct item in the Christmas village.
- You will then need to take a screenshot of your character (with their name visible on the screenshot, either above your character’s head or in your character’s window open, on the side of the screen, for console players) in front of the correct item in the Christmas house of our club world.
Please note, your screenshot must be posted before 11:59 pm CET (10:59 pm UTC) to validate your participation!
Now you are probably wondering what you can win!
Santa Claus has surprises in store for all valid entries every day!
Unfortunately, we don’t know yet what these surprises are, Santa Claus is keeping it a secret!
But that’s not all !
He has prepared gift packs for the most dedicated players!
Players who successfully participate in the advent calendar for at least 20 days will receive the Christmas Surprise Pack, which includes:
20x Crystal Pinatas
1x Silver Companion Egg
1x Golden Chaos Chest
1x Dev Dream
And players who are even more dedicated and successfully participate in the Advent calendar on all 24 days will receive the Big Christmas Surprise Pack in addition to the Christmas Surprise Pack, which contains the following:
15 Day Patron Pass
1x Golden Dragon Effigy
A participation is successfully completed when you have made your participation post in response to the discussion threads, before 11:59 pm CET (10:59 pm UTC), including your character name, platform and region along with your screenshot with your character, its name and the correct item.
Another important note for the event!
Participation in the event is limited to only one account and one character per player. If you start the event with a character, you must continue with the same character. A change of the character during the event leads to the loss of the days of the previous event with the first character, as these are not transferred!
The rewards will be sent as soon as possible either in the forum via a private message or awarded to you directly in the game. Sending to another character is not possible.
Please note that the codes could have limited periods of use, so do not delay using them.
We wish you good luck and have fun!
Happy Holiday Season in Trove!
Best wishes,
Your Trove Team!