Rare is rare! Brian, Adam, Ted, and Andrew showed off some imminent Fish 'N' Ships content in today's developer livestream.
- The Pirate Captain will not regenerate energy. Collecting Dubloons gives energy.
- Left mouse (basic attack, Plunderbluss): Shotgun attack that creates Dubloons.
- Right mouse (Broadside): Sends out your parrot pet to man a cannon that can be upgraded. Collecting Dubloons upgrades the cannon (granting a shield, a machine gun, etc.)
- Keyboard 1 (First Mate): Creates a decoy which draws enemy aggro and explodes after a certain number of hits. Appearance changes based on damage taken. This ability is the only one to use energy.
- Keyboard 2 (Man O'War, Ultimate): Summons a rapid-fire mortar with smart targeting.
- Parrot skins will eventually be changeable through costumes, like the Dracolyte.
- The Pirate Captain will cost 8000 Cubits to unlock.
- The Treasure Isles will have deep water when the Fish ‘N’ Ships update releases.
- There will be monsters underwater.
- Boats will have stats that make them unique like karts from Mario Kart”.
- Boats will be obtainable in the same way as mounts: crafting, the store, Mastery, etc.
- Two ships will be available through the store: a draconic ship (the SS Draconic, which can sail through lava without taking damage), and a transparent ghost ship (the SS Dutchman).
- There will also be a “Pirate Pack” for twenty dollars, that includes the two ships, as well as the Pirate Captain and the Master of Commanding and Ghost Pirate Captain costumes.
- Players cannot ride other players’ boats, but it may be a future feature with the possible addition of a ‘party boat’.
- Fishing is a new in-game activity, not a profession with levels to gain. You can fish wherever there’s liquid.
- Different fishing poles are required for fishing in different kinds of liquids.
- Your fishing level (as well as the type of liquid you are fishing in) determines what kind of fish you will catch.
- Fish are collectibles, and can be deconstructed for resources.
- Rare fish can be caught depending on certain conditions (zone, time of day, liquid combos, etc.).
- For example, the Hub Hugger can be caught rarely in the Hub, and gives 500 Glim, an Ancient Scale, and 25 Mastery.
- Fish with diamond borders will give 25 Mastery points when collected. Gold will give 10, and everything else will give five. This system will eventually be expanded to include other item collections.
- Cookiephant Adventure Chests will stop dropping come Tuesday. New Eggster Adventure Chests will start dropping instead.
- Trading WILL be improved, but there are no plans for an auction house yet.
- There will be much more marketing and advertising for the game’s official launch. Word-of-mouth is and always will be very important to the game.
- Refer-a-friend may be implemented for launch.
- There will be more corgi mounts and allies.
- The Knight Ultimate will affect all nearby players in a future update.
- Despite the community’s feelings on the Neon Ninja, the developers feel that it’s pretty strong right now.
- Mods have been “on the backburner” since the dev team has been focused on the Fish ‘N’ Ships update, but that’ll change once the update is released.
- Chat improvements will be added, such as tabs, a bigger window when hitting enter, context menus (for player names), and different colors for different club chats.
- There is going to be a new Cubits system that rewards Cubits for “playing the game”. Cubits purchases will be locked to the purchaser’s account to avoid abusing the system. There will be much more to buy with Cubits “so you never run out” of things to get.
- The underground update has been slightly delayed so that a big adventure update can be released first. This will focus on adventuring improvements, with boss encounters (new affixes, mechanics, UI changes like boss health bars, etc.), new quest types, the new Cubits system, and a class “all about adventuring”.
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