Additional Updates
- Increased duration of empowered grapple to 12 seconds up from 8 seconds.
- Fixed an issue where lunar leap was using magic damage rather then physical damage.
- Increased moon power gained from abilities.
- Increased basic attack damage to 300% up from 180%.
- Increased the speed Eclipse Spear travels.
- Increased Lunar Slam damage to 1300% up from 1000%.
- Increased Blessing of the Moon damage to 1500% up from 1000%.
- Increased Lunarform basic attack damage to 750% up from 650%.
- Decreased Lunarform basic attack stun chance to 10% down from 20%.
- Fixed issue where you could gain Moon Power(energy) from flasks on the Lunar Lancer.
- The Delve Shadowkey Codex tome has had its appearance updated.
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