Want some free Credits? How about some public test servers?
Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?13975-Today-s-Update
From the official Trove forums:
Today's Update
Well, let's just say that didn't go as well as we would have liked. There are reasons for the bugs and delays, but fundamentally the answer is: the game has steadily added more features and gotten more complex as we've built it and it has gotten to a point where it is harder and harder for us to adequately test all possible interactions of all of our changes with all of our other systems. We catch and fix many bugs, but some have gotten by us. It is Beta still, but we need to get launch ready, so here's what we're doing:
- Public test servers. This is going to take time to set up, but we're actively working on this. More info as we set them up and work out how to get you guys on them.
- We're going to give everyone who logged in the last week 100 Credits. Thanks for the patience, we really appreciate it.
- We have another hotfix going out tomorrow morning. There's a lingering issue with Cornerstones (and we'll try for the Shadow Hunter/pet fix, if not that will go out next week).
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