In Pax East coverage on Gamers Nexus, Avarem talks about Troves next major update titled Fish and Ships. This will introduce more water based content including fishing, and sailing in ships as well as the Pirate Captain class.


Fish and Ships: March 24

Trove’s next major update, Fish and Ships, will take players to the water. Players will be able to fish for resources and items, trade with seafaring NPCs, and sail in self-created ships in pursuit of treasure chests and spear-throwing man-sharks – honestly, I’m not making this up.

Fish and Ships also marks the debut of the Pirate Captain class, one that Krausnick likened to the engineer in Team Fortress 2. The Pirate Captain does the most damage by deploying a parrot-controlled cannon during battle. He’ll also have decoy cannons that will damage enemies when destroyed.

Trion plans to launch Trove by the end of the year on PC and Mac. They currently don’t have plans to publish it for consoles, although it could be a possibility in the future.

We’ll have more Trove coverage in the months ahead.

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