Celebrate St. Qubeslick’s Feast – until March 23, 2021!

Dear Trovians,
Our dear Qubeslick has very special culinary plans this year for St. Qubeslick’s Feast.
Go visit him in the hub world and help him collect all the necessary ingredients.
You will not only have to be lucky and strong, but you’ll also need a green thumb 😉
Speaking of luck, eat one of the treats you’ve made and go hunting for Luckbeasts in the “Jurassic Jungle” biomes to obtain their precious treasures and become even more powerful and lucky!
In addition, don’t forget to take a look at our store to discover our two packs dedicated to the event:
Huntsman’s Hoarded Horde
Clover Collection

The St. Qubeslick’s Feast will end on March 23, 2021 at 11:00am UTC! You will find lots of useful information about our event in our >>> FAQ <<<.
May the luck be with you!
Happy St. Qubeslick’s Feast to all!
Best regards,
The Trove Team!