This month in collaboration with the Trove team we are challenging our modding community to submit new and existing mods into the Lunar Mod Challenge mod pack on Trovesaurus. Winners will have their work accepted into the game.
Art by MrWhoever - Where the Empress Sit
- Create or submit an existing mod of yours that matches the theme LUNAR
- Upload to the Mods section and publish your mod
- IMPORTANT: Submit to the devs in the normal way, we need you to accept the legal stuff
- IMPORTANT: Add your mod to the Lunar Mod Challenge mod pack (so we can find it), do this by viewing your mods page and looking above the comments
- Saturday, June 6, 2020 (1500 UTC) to Wednesday, July 1, 2020 (1500 UTC)
- Accepted mods will receive the standard rewards from a mod acceptance. Additionally, they will receive a copy of the lunar pack (name to be decided) once it is released
- Participation will result in at least 1x Reward Token
- For inspiration, you could look at the Lunar theme page
- For the colour scheme, you could look at the Altar of the Moon Biome page
- A few examples of mods that could be submitted as-is are (not an exhaustive list):
Lunar - Mod Challenge List
Created by Etaew 5 years ago
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