This is a time we'd like to celebrate one of our community artists, mau5head has challenged our other community artists to draw some of her Trove characters for a chance at some goodies.


  • Create some Trove fan art featuring one of mau5head's characters shown in the prompts below
  • Submit to the Trovesaurus Gallery, make your art visible and then submit to the Mau5fest 2020 challenge


Monday, June 1, 2020 to Wednesday, July 1, 2020


  • Valid attempts receive Reward Tokens
  • Special highlights (2 people) - a drawing of the head of your character or of an ally that you choose
  • 3rd Place  - 3x Reward Tokens and a drawing of the head of your character
  • 2nd Place - 4x Reward Tokens, a Rabbity Raiser costume code, and a drawing of the head of your character
  • 1st Place - 5x Reward Tokens, a Rabbity Raiser costume code, and a drawing of your character


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