Our brand new Bunfest has just started in Trove! It ends on April 20, 2020 at the end of the Trovian day.

In order to get us all into the Bunfest mood, the hub is decorated like Bunfest for the duration of the event!

What is there to do at Bunfest?Top ^

Adventure series

You will be able to carry out a very special Bunfest adventure series.

You can find them in your adventure book (standard key I) under the "Events" tab.

Daily Adventures

In addition to the adventure series, you will also have daily adventures available so that you can collect a lot of Bunfest tokens!

You will have to accept these quests at the Bunfest NPCs:

Hidden eggs

In addition to all the adventures, you will find hidden Easter eggs in Candoria, Fae Forest, Medieval Highlands and in the Geode!

Here are a few examples:

New chocolate egg dungeons

You will also be able to find very special chocolate egg dungeons during the Bunfest! The dungeons are guarded by very special bosses who have some surprises for you!

Here are a few examples:

Handicraft fun

Thanks to the very special drops of the bosses in the dungeons and the Bunfest tokens, you will be able to make Bunfest food, mounts and companions at the Bunfest station!

In addition, you will also be able to purchase additional Bunfest tokens in our shop.

We wish you all a lot of fun at the Bunfest!

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