New Strings
- $AcceptClubActivityLimit
- You have received the maximum rewards from this type of adventure for today. Are you sure you want to start the following adventure:\n{0}?
- $Chat_ClubChatNumberChanged
- {0}. {1} is now {2}. {3}
- $Claims_absolutedhev
- A gift from the D'hev for helping their allies have an awesome summer.
- $Claims_login_absolutedhev
- Login every day during the Absolute D'hevistation event to earn extra rewards!
- $Claims_login_remembranceofreng
- Login every day during the Remembrance of Reng event to earn extra rewards!
- $Claims_remembranceofreng
- The Cardinal Spirits thank you for honoring them and the Reng Empire.
- $ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_PresidentialCandidate
- If a president is inactive for too long, only members with this rank permission will be considered to replace the president.
- $ClubRankPermissions_PresidentialCandidate
- PresidentialCandidate
- $Clubs_ButtonLegend_MoveClubUp
- Move Club Up
- $Crafting_FailureReason_CannotCollect
- Already in your collection.
- $Event_absolutedhev_description
- The Allies of the D'hev need your help, Trovian!
- $Event_absolutedhev_name
- $Event_remembranceofreng_description
- Learn more about the history of Forbidden Spires and the Cardinal Spirits.
- $Event_remembranceofreng_name
- $ItemNotFound
- Item Not Found
- $Leaderboard_BomberDamage
- $LoginRejectedCSAtWork
- Customer Service is currently attending to this account; please try again in five minutes.
- $Lootbox_AutoOpen
- Auto Open Until Rare
- $Marketplace_Resell
- $Metrics_PVPBattleRoyaleDamage
- Battle Royale Damage
- $NoEmptySlots
- Not enough slots
- $PVPExitSpectator
- $PVPNextBomber
- $PVPPrevBomber
- $PVP_battleroyale_console_spectate
- Spectate
- $PVP_battleroyale_scoreboard_header_damage
- Damage
- $PVP_battleroyale_spectate
- $PlayerNameDisplayColor_ClubLeader
- Club Leader
- $PlayerNameDisplayColor_Default
- Default Color
- $PlayerNameDisplayColor_FriendAffection
- Heart-a-Phone
- $PlayerNameDisplayColor_GM
- Dev
- $PlayerNameDisplayColor_GeodeMasteryLeader
- Geode Mastery Leader
- $PlayerNameDisplayColor_Loyalty
- Loyalty
- $PlayerNameDisplayColor_MasteryLeader
- Trove Mastery Leader
- $PlayerNameDisplayColor_TotalMasteryLeader
- Total Mastery Leader
- $PlayerNameDisplayColor_TowerLeader
- Tower Leader
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_01_Description
- Absolute D'hevistation 1/8: Greetings, Trovian! I'm Saratheon the Darkmoon. Would you like a cookie? I baked them myself! Wait, I'm getting distracted. The D'hev! Yes, the D'hev are our caretakers but lately they've been too busy to take care of their allies - namely me and all my friends. Can you help us? We have some nice gifts to give you in return. \n\nSaratheon the Darkmoon needs cupcakes for a picnic with Tiny Tea Rex. Cupcakes can be found in Candoria Adventure worlds as drops or growing out of the terrain. Items acquired via a Trading Post or the Marketplace will not count.
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_01_Name
- Collect Cupcakes
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_02_Description
- Absolute D'hevistation 2/8: Hey, Saratheon says you're helping us out. Thank the Builder because I am STARVING. We spacebugs will eat pretty much anything, but my favorite thing is Enchanted Wood. Mmm, it's magically crunchy.\n\nSkittering Spacebug wants you to bring him some Enchanted Wood, which can be found growing in Medieval Highlands, Cursed Vale, and Fae Forest biomes. Items acquired via a Trading Post or the Marketplace will not count.
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_02_Name
- Collect Enchanted Wood
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_03_Description
- Absolute D'hevistation 3/8: I'm trying to enjoy my picnic with Saratheon but there are just so many bugs - specifically bees and fireflies - everywhere I look. It's too distracting. I just can't enjoy myself!\n\nTiny Tea Rex is too stressed out by bees and fireflies to enjoy her picnic with Saratheon. The flying pests can be found in Medieval Highlands biomes.
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_03_Name
- Kill Bees and Fireflies
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_04_Description
- Absolute D'hevistation 4/8: A picnic? At a time like this? I've got bigger fish to worry about - mostly because I'm a smaller fish. Those pirates in Treasure Isles almost caught me in one of their nets last week. \n\nMagical Mudskipper doesn't feel safe in his home of Treasure Isles, and Lost Isles isn't much better. Defeat dungeon bosses in either biome to make him feel safer.
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_04_Name
- Defeat Dungeon Bosses In Treasure Isles or Lost Isles
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_05_Description
- Absolute D'hevistation 5/8: I don't know why Mr. Mudskipper is so stressed out. The water here has been great for me recently! I've collected a lot of shiny rocks, and I'm ready to feast on some Golden Shell Scallops. Uh, you wouldn't happen to have any lying around, would you?\n\nEuler the Otter needs his dinner (not to be confused with Dinner Otter). Golden Seashells are dropped from creatures, dungeons, and bouys in Treasure Isles. Items acquired via a Trading Post or the Marketplace will not count.
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_05_Name
- Collect Golden Seashells
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_06_Description
- Absolute D'hevistation 6/8: Oh, uh, hi there. I don't want to impose, but I saw you helping my friends and I thought... Uh… Could you help me decorate my new shell? The prettiest ore come from high up in Cursed Skylands and my little legs can't carry me that far. \n\nAntisocial Hermit Crab needs your help to be shiny! Travel to a Cursed Skylands world and mine some Crystalized Cloud.
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_06_Name
- Mine Crystalized Cloud
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_07_Description
- Absolute D'hevistation 7/8: Bzzz. Bzzz. AH! Oh sorry, I didn't see you there. I can't find Twixler and I can't get back to my hideout in Neon City by myself. Those Robotic Spiders think I'm food because I buzz and fly around like an Amperium Drone! How rude.\n\nTwilight Toaster needs to get home but she's being pursued by Robotic Spiders who want to eat her! Robotic Spiders can be found in Neon City biomes.
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_07_Name
- Kill Robotic Spiders
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_08_Description
- Absolute D'hevistation 8/8: Ahhh, hello there, Trovian. Do not be alarmed by my appearence. You've done well by my comrades and I'm wondering if you can help with one final task. I consider myself an accomplished hunter of Shadows and their ilk, but one has alluded me of late - the Dark Fae Queen. She hides like a coward behind the members of her court. If you will assist me in dispatching her, I have a very special prize for you.\n\nAtomic Wraith has asked you to help him dispatch a Dark Fae Queen who has formed an alliance with the Shadows. They can be found as Lair bosses in the Fae Forest biome.
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_absolutedhev_08_Name
- Kill a Dark Fae Queen
- $RaritySelectLabel
- Minimum rarity for Loot All:
- $Resell_ButtonLegend
- Resell
- $Settings_CornerstoneDamage
- Cornerstone Damageable by Bombs and Abilities
- $StoreProduct_deal_mount_ball_bundt_description
- The current Blocky Bonus is the Bounding Bundt Cake. You may be bound for your next destination, but try not to get crumbs everywhere. We appreciate you playing Trove!
- $StoreProduct_deal_mount_ball_bundt_name
- Mount: Bounding Bundt Cake
- $StoreProduct_item_lootbox_chaos_vault_dark_10_description
- Charged chaos chests which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus.\n\nAlso has a chance to award Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragments.
- $StoreProduct_item_lootbox_chaos_vault_dark_10_name
- 10 Dark Chaos Vaults
- $StoreProduct_item_lootbox_chaos_vault_dark_30_description
- Charged chaos chests which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus.\n\nAlso has a chance to award Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragments.
- $StoreProduct_item_lootbox_chaos_vault_dark_30_name
- 30 Dark Chaos Vaults
- $StoreProduct_item_lootbox_chaosvault_light_10_description
- Charged chaos chests which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely light pegasus wings, and very rarely a light pegasus.\n\nAlso has a chance to award Dormant Lightspear Dragon Egg Fragments.
- $StoreProduct_item_lootbox_chaosvault_light_10_name
- 10 Light Chaos Vaults
- $StoreProduct_item_lootbox_chaosvault_light_30_description
- Charged chaos chests which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely light pegasus wings, and very rarely a light pegasus.\n\nAlso has a chance to award Dormant Lightspear Dragon Egg Fragments.
- $StoreProduct_item_lootbox_chaosvault_light_30_name
- 30 Light Chaos Vaults
- $StoreProduct_item_lootbox_wonder_30_description
- Contains all manner of wondrous treasures. What will you find inside?
- $StoreProduct_item_lootbox_wonder_30_name
- 30 Trove of Wonders
- $StoreProduct_trove_hearty_party_pack_1_description
- Contains Yzzuli of the Honeybreeze, one un-bee-lievable dragon, plus 2 cute costumes, 3 mighty mounts, 1 dazzling dancepad, 8 awesome allies, & 9 stunning styles! Trion will donate $5,000 for every 700 units sold of Trove Hearty Party Pack 1 to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals (up to a maximum of US $20,000)
- $StoreProduct_trove_hearty_party_pack_1_name
- Hearty Party Pack 1
- $Store_MarketplaceDisclaimer
- Collectibles that are included in packs are automatically unlocked on the purchasing account, not added as items. Accounts that have already unlocked included items will not receive duplicates of items contained within the pack. This includes Classes, Costumes, Mounts, Ships, Wings, and any other items included as part of the pack.
- $UnknownTransferFail
- Failed to transfer (Unknown Reason)
- $Welcome_battleroyale_subtitle
- Experience fast, frenetic, and fun Free-for-All action against other players!
- $Welcome_button_battleroyale
- Play Now!
- $WorldMap_Geode_BomberRoyale
- Bomber Royale
- $WorldMap_Geode_CompanionRanch
- Companion Ranch
- $WorldMap_Geode_CraftersCommons
- Crafter's Commons
- $WorldMap_Geode_CrystallogyCenter
- Crystallogy Center
- $WorldMap_Geode_MiningFacility
- Mining Facility
- $WorldMap_Geode_ReliquaryResearch
- Reliquary Research
- $WorldMap_Geode_SunseekerLanding
- Sunseeker Landing
- $WorldMap_Geode_SunseekerSquare
- Sunseeker Square
- $prefabs_abilities_icemage_passive_painfreeze_description
- The Ice Sage's empowered basic attack freezes for 1 second on the first hit. It also chills enemies, slowing their movement speed. Enemies hit three times with Basic Attack while "Pain Freeze" is equipped explode taking additional damage. Ice Sages can still walk across ice without slipping.
- $prefabs_abilities_icemage_passive_painfreeze_name
- Pain Freeze
- $prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_dizzy_01_item_description
- How many fingers am I holding up?
- $prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_dizzy_01_item_name
- Starry Daze
- $prefabs_collections_magrider_board_dance_skull_description
- Bounce your bones to its spooky synth rhythm.
- $prefabs_collections_magrider_board_dance_skull_name
- Haunted House Dancefloor
- $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_bouncebomb_description
- A blast to bounce along on, especially when it goes boom!
- $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_bouncebomb_item_name
- Volatile Bounder Blast
- $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_bouncebomb_name
- Volatile Bounder
- $prefabs_collections_mount_butterfly_eclipsewing_description
- No light escapes the shadow of her presence.
- $prefabs_collections_mount_butterfly_eclipsewing_name
- Eclipsewing Butterfly
- $prefabs_collections_mount_centaur_radiant_description
- The noblest of noble steeds.
- $prefabs_collections_mount_centaur_radiant_name
- Radiant Centaur
- $prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_bomberroyale_item_description
- Despite his awesome firepower, the moniker actually refers to his keen mind for battlefield strategy.
- $prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_bomberroyale_item_name
- Kyrothon, the War Head
- $prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_darkshield_item_description
- Haunted by some great, unspoken loss he languishes deaf to the cries of the downtrodden.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +10% Max Health, +7% Attack Speed and +50 Magic Find.
- $prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_darkshield_item_name
- Typhandir, the Sundered Shield
- $prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_newyearblue_item_description
- Throughout Reng history countless hopeful students have climbed his mountain, and almost as many masters have descended from it ready to change the world.
- $prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_newyearblue_item_name
- Shaoran, Sage of the Eastern Ranges
- $prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_twoheads_lightdark_description
- Standing by the Goddess's side he witnessed creation unmade, and as his heart broke so too did his body \n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +1000 Max Health, +2 Jump, +5% Critical Damage and +50 Magic Find.
- $prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_twoheads_lightdark_name
- Jhorondir, Arms of the Goddess
- $prefabs_collections_mount_dragonbug_beecat_description
- She can often be found catnapping in sun-kissed meadows amid swarms of enraptured bees, much to Petallura's amusement.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +1000 Max Health, +250 Damage, +5% Attack Speed, and +50 Magic Find.
- $prefabs_collections_mount_dragonbug_beecat_name
- Yzzuli of the Honeybreeze
- $prefabs_collections_mount_mammoth_trove_description
- Rescued by Rowdy and Winston during one of their Permafrost forays, it remembers their kindness and pays it forward whenever it can.
- $prefabs_collections_mount_mammoth_trove_name
- Trovian Mammoth
- $prefabs_collections_mount_raptor_budgie_bw_description
- A regal bird once thought to be extinct. A few rare sightings have been reported recently in Forbidden Spires.
- $prefabs_collections_mount_raptor_budgie_bw_name
- Mountain Magpie
- $prefabs_collections_mount_raptor_peacock_description
- For returning Cygnus to her, the Sun Goddess granted him his most fervent wish - that his body would reflect his soul.
- $prefabs_collections_mount_raptor_peacock_name
- Kishann, Soul of Splendor
- $prefabs_collections_pet_cat_chronopurple_description
- Tends to wander off into distant times without notice, but luckily she always finds her way back.
- $prefabs_collections_pet_cat_chronopurple_name
- Kiara, Chrono Kitty
- $prefabs_collections_pet_cat_cow_item_description
- A tiny new friend that followed you home from Forbidden Spires.
- $prefabs_collections_pet_cat_cow_item_name
- Baby Brown Cow
- $prefabs_collections_pet_griffon_necrowmancer_description
- Young enough to make mischief while intending no malice.
- $prefabs_collections_pet_griffon_necrowmancer_name
- Neonate Necrowmancer
- $prefabs_collections_pet_guineapig_ghost_chaos_description
- She can still squeak with the best of them.
- $prefabs_collections_pet_guineapig_ghost_chaos_name
- Ghost Guinea Pig
- $prefabs_collections_pet_octopus_fizpink_description
- It's bubbly personality makes it a favourite with just about everyone.
- $prefabs_collections_pet_octopus_fizpink_name
- Fizzy Pink Octopus
- $prefabs_collections_pet_punchbot_skulltrieye_item_description
- Cursed to lose its mind at the sound of music, the ensuing antics are quite a sight.
- $prefabs_collections_pet_punchbot_skulltrieye_item_name
- Noodlis, the Ensorcelled
- $prefabs_collections_pet_qubesly_pizzanati_item_description
- Illuminati confirmed. Fnord.
- $prefabs_collections_pet_qubesly_pizzanati_item_name
- Pizzanati Conspiraslicist
- $prefabs_collections_pet_tentacle_cactus_chaos_description
- Winner of Best Mustache in Desert Frontier three years running.
- $prefabs_collections_pet_tentacle_cactus_chaos_name
- Senor Prickle
- $prefabs_collections_pet_zardille_smokey_chaos_description
- Leaves behind a lingering scent of sandalwood.
- $prefabs_collections_pet_zardille_smokey_chaos_name
- Smokey Kit Spirit
- $prefabs_collections_wings_flame_geo_red_item_description
- Red sky at night is a Trovian's delight.
- $prefabs_collections_wings_flame_geo_red_item_name
- Red Hot Wings
- $prefabs_item_aura_stellar_dizzy_01_item_description
- How many fingers am I holding up?
- $prefabs_item_aura_stellar_dizzy_01_item_name
- Aura: Starry Daze
- $prefabs_item_dragon_egg_beecat_notrade_description
- Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
- $prefabs_item_dragon_egg_beecat_notrade_name
- Dormant Honeybreeze Dragon Egg
- $prefabs_item_dragon_egg_darkshield_description
- Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
- $prefabs_item_dragon_egg_darkshield_name
- Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg
- $prefabs_item_dragon_essence_beecat_description
- Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained from bees and bee-like creatures throughout the world.
- $prefabs_item_dragon_essence_beecat_name
- Honeybreeze Dragon Egg Fragment
- $prefabs_item_dragon_essence_darkshield_description
- Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained from Dark Chaos Vaults crafted at the Chaos Core Crafter Workbench!
- $prefabs_item_dragon_essence_darkshield_name
- Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragment
- $prefabs_item_dragonscale_blue_description
- A lustrous blue scale, hard as steel. Just holding it stirs your mind to greater wisdom.
- $prefabs_item_dragonscale_blue_name
- Sagely Blue Dragonscale
- $prefabs_item_flask_effect_energy_item_description
- Restores all spent energy.
- $prefabs_item_flask_effect_energy_item_name
- Emblem: Zealous Emblem
- $prefabs_item_flask_effect_sheild_item_description
- Grants a brief invulnerability sheild.
- $prefabs_item_flask_effect_sheild_item_name
- Emblem: Unyielding Emblem
- $prefabs_item_mount_butterfly_eclipsewing_description
- No light escapes the shadow of her presence.
- $prefabs_item_mount_butterfly_eclipsewing_name
- Mount: Eclipsewing Butterfly
- $prefabs_item_mount_centaur_radiant_description
- The noblest of noble steeds.
- $prefabs_item_mount_centaur_radiant_name
- Mount: Radiant Centaur
- $prefabs_item_mount_dragon_darkshield_description
- Crafted with fragments found in Dark Chaos Vaults.\n\nHatches into Typhandir, the Sundered Shield!\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +10% Max Health, +7% Attack Speed and +50 Magic Find.
- $prefabs_item_mount_dragon_darkshield_name
- Typhandir, the Sundered Shield
- $prefabs_item_mount_raptor_budgie_bw_description
- A regal bird once thought to be extinct. A few rare sightings have been reported recently in Forbidden Spires.
- $prefabs_item_mount_raptor_budgie_bw_name
- Mount: Mountain Magpie
- $prefabs_item_pet_cat_cow_description
- A tiny new friend that followed you home from Forbidden Spires.
- $prefabs_item_pet_cat_cow_name
- Ally: Baby Brown Cow
- $prefabs_item_pet_tentacle_cactus_description
- Winner of Best Mustache in Desert Frontier three years running.
- $prefabs_item_pet_tentacle_cactus_name
- Ally: Senor Prickle
- $prefabs_item_unlocker_recipe_signs_item_description
- Unlocks the seven standard Trovian signs.
- $prefabs_item_unlocker_recipe_signs_item_name
- Unlocker: Standard Signs
- $prefabs_item_wings_flame_geo_red_item_description
- Red sky at night is a Trovian's delight.
- $prefabs_item_wings_flame_geo_red_item_name
- Wings: Red Hot Wings
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_071[taliar]_desc
- In their heyday, the Medieval Highlands were ruled by a dynasty of wise and benevolent monarchs.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_071[taliar]_name
- Gaze of the Golden King
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_073[Croissanti]_desc
- It takes a truly flagrant evil to step out of the shadows.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_073[Croissanti]_name
- Daring Devilry
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_074[GriffenL]_desc
- Makes pools of stagnant water and damp foliage strangely appealing.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_074[GriffenL]_name
- Mellow Marshian
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_075[xRoBoTx]_desc
- The expression on this beastly visage is scarily on-point.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_075[xRoBoTx]_name
- Horned Horror
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_076[WackyRobert100]_desc
- Who can tell what is lost, to those who still fight as the light fades?
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_076[WackyRobert100]_name
- Creeping Shadow
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_077[Everscream]_desc
- While the resistors are an underground movement, they have many sympathizers among the common folk.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_077[Everscream]_name
- Luminous Legacy
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_078[Cauchemare]_desc
- Everyone is an enemy when you are seeing red.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_078[Cauchemare]_name
- Visceral Visor
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_079[Cauchemare]_desc
- Those who stand for the light are in turn targeted by shadow, for evil abides no opposition.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_079[Cauchemare]_name
- Stark Darkness
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_080[DakotaSpine]_desc
- Pledge allegiance only to that which sets you free.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_080[DakotaSpine]_name
- Rebel Rider
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_081[DakotaSpine]_desc
- Distorts your perception of the world around you, making it appear more serene.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_081[DakotaSpine]_name
- Fishbowl Lens
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_082[Cytorax]_desc
- Don't be fooled, that thousand-yard stare is and laser-focused.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_082[Cytorax]_name
- Remote Stare
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_083[Anzy]_desc
- Its delicate flowers beat a prickly beard any day.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_083[Anzy]_name
- Floral Facade
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_084[Furebel]_desc
- Technologically enhanced to easily take care of minutiae and precision work.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_084[Furebel]_name
- Micro-Monocle
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_085[DancingDragon]_desc
- Yearning and regret permeate this woe-filled mask.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_085[DancingDragon]_name
- Squalling Specter
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_086[Cauchemare]_desc
- Dissent descended upon the Dragonfire Peaks as factions formed and in-fighting intensified.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_086[Cauchemare]_name
- Ashen Pallor
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_087[Kvoor]_desc
- Said to avert the Eye of Q'bthulhu, which may not be a good thing if you need to forge up your gear.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_087[Kvoor]_name
- Vitreous Veil
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_088[Keeneen]_desc
- Though the moon shines, her soul is trapped in shadow, and for this absence the heart cries out.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_088[Keeneen]_name
- Lupus Lunaris
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_089[Humpypants]_desc
- This nosey neighbour will invite you in for cookies and weave you a charm to find your way home, no questions asked.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_089[Humpypants]_name
- Warm-Hearted Witch
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_090[Stermo]_desc
- In the twilit forest, the beast's fur shimmered as if touched by moonlight, when no moon could be seen overhead.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_090[Stermo]_name
- Pallid Prowler
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_091[AquaX2]_desc
- Enraged, the Spirits swarmed around the wounded Hero of Luminopolis, shielding her from the Amperium's deadly barrage.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_091[AquaX2]_name
- Kami's Contempt
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_092[zeky]_desc
- Rather than give in to despair, Korobas sat and meditated on his plight, looking for a loophole that would set him free.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_092[zeky]_name
- Cursed Contemplation
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_093[UEDTormentor]_desc
- Whatever you do, avoid even the mildest spicy food in Dragonfire Peaks.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_093[UEDTormentor]_name
- Searing Spray
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_094[Keeneen]_desc
- Some contend that Starbuns are relatives of the Lunar Rabbit, but both species have become so rare that studying them has become difficult.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_094[Keeneen]_name
- Solitary Starhopper
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_095[Ajo]_desc
- A parent's best pal when all you need is a little peace and quiet.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_095[Ajo]_name
- Purple Pacifier
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_096[Woo]_desc
- Co-opted from the bad guys by charismatic rogues and rascals.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_096[Woo]_name
- Good Goatee
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_097[Woo]_desc
- The stylish yet unmistakeably evil staple of certain brands of villain.
- $prefabs_loot_Face_equipment_face_mask_097[Woo]_name
- Gaudy Goatee
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_053[HenrichVonRotenborg]_desc
- Often sighted topping the heads of apprentice sailors.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_053[HenrichVonRotenborg]_name
- Boater's Bachi
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_054[VovKgr]_desc
- Perched atop your head, it keeps an eye out for predators.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_054[VovKgr]_name
- Posted Penguin
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_055[Carthago47]_desc
- It will eventually outgrow you, but for now it provides some shroomy shade.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_055[Carthago47]_name
- Tiny Shroom Topper
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_056[Furrek]_desc
- Perfect for Permafrost escapades, but keep it cool or your head might overheat.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_056[Furrek]_name
- Heated Hound Hat
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_057[Zoe]_desc
- Tired enough to warrant taking a nap on your noggin.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_057[Zoe]_name
- Catnapping Kitty
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_058[Gimbly]_desc
- The darkness without seeks your darkness within.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_058[Gimbly]_name
- Veiled Vices
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_059[PillarAngel]_desc
- A bouquet of beautiful flowers, perfect for sunbathing in warm climes.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_059[PillarAngel]_name
- Tropi-Cap
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_060[GogestickCJ]_desc
- This advanced detection array raises your awareness to nearby dangers.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_060[GogestickCJ]_name
- Sensory Center
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_061[NoisyVenom]_desc
- Wearing this rad, nay, tubular hat should never be the root of your problems.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_061[NoisyVenom]_name
- Top Tuber
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_062[Deimondou]_desc
- This eye-catching skullcap is perfect for keeping the party alive.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_062[Deimondou]_name
- Glinting Gallivanter
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_063[Mew2ian]_desc
- It takes a tempered mind to wear it with due panache.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_063[Mew2ian]_name
- Shallow Skilletry
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_064[Atlas_Sanchez]_desc
- This particular crashing hat seems highly symbollic.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_064[Atlas_Sanchez]_name
- Hi-Hat
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_065[Pumkmine]_desc
- Somewhere out there, a jack-o-lantern is feeling the breeze.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_065[Pumkmine]_name
- Squashy Lid
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_066[animationman]_desc
- So cool, it will blow your mind.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_066[animationman]_name
- Expansive Mind
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_067[FlaminTNT]_desc
- Fortunately high enough that you don't need to worry about running out of data.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_067[FlaminTNT]_name
- Bandwidth Cap
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_068[Rajeeb]_desc
- This pretty parrot seems perfectly happy perched atop your head.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_068[Rajeeb]_name
- Conure Allure
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_069[Discipulus]_desc
- So magnificent, you'd think it could only be obtained from a Weaver of Wonders.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_069[Discipulus]_name
- Wondrous Wanderer
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_070[Knightlock]_desc
- She's happy to just chill here and cool off for a spell.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_070[Knightlock]_name
- Mini Ice Sage
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_071[GadgetCAT]_desc
- This conspicuously cute cap will make you stand out from the crowd.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_071[GadgetCAT]_name
- Vulpine Beanie
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_072[Pennry]_desc
- Even the howling winds of Permafrost can't bring this chipper fella down.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_072[Pennry]_name
- Perky Penguin
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_brasil[Trove_Brazil]_desc
- You won't need shelter from the sun either with this stylish tri-color shader.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_brasil[Trove_Brazil]_name
- Sun-Kissed Sybarite
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_dinotamer_steampunk_name
- Time-Stranded Paleontologist Hat
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_gunslinger_tuxedo_name
- Tombstone Tempest Top Hat
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_adventurer_lvl1[Ylva]_name
- Boomeranger Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_adventurer_lvl2[Ylva]_name
- Boomeranger Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_adventurer_lvl3[Evilagician]_name
- Boomaranger Level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_adventurer_lvl4[Ylva]_name
- Boomeranger Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_agumonster[Agum0n]_desc
- A fierce, fiery spirit ready to take on all challengers.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_agumonster[Agum0n]_name
- Fierce Flameling
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_bigbrain[TroveTeam]_desc
- What's the big idea, exposing yourself like this? Do you want zombies? Because this is how we get zombies.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_bigbrain[TroveTeam]_name
- Bulging Brain
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_blueranger[Aingommon]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_blueranger[Aingommon]_name
- Blue Trovian Ranger Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_candybarbarian_borkbarian_name
- Corgian Borkbarian Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_candybarbarian_lvl1[Magicmate]_name
- Candy Barbarian Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_candybarbarian_lvl2[Magicmate]_name
- Candy Barbarian Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_candybarbarian_lvl3[Magicmate]_name
- Candy Barbarian Level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_candybarbarian_lvl4[Magicmate]_name
- Candy Barbarian Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_chaotic[3motions]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_chaotic[3motions]_name
- Chaotic Wanderer Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_chloromancer_lvl1[Evilagician]_name
- Chloromancer Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_chloromancer_lvl2[Evilagician]_name
- Chloromancer Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_chloromancer_lvl3[Evilagician]_name
- Chloromancer Level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_chloromancer_lvl4[Evilagician]_name
- Chloromancer Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_crimefighter_lvl1[Technoshyft]_name
- Vanguardian Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_crimefighter_lvl2[Technoshyft]_name
- Vanguardian Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_crimefighter_lvl3[Technoshyft]_name
- Vanguardian Level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_crimefighter_lvl4[Technoshyft]_name
- Vanguardian Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_cruiser[Acculluz]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_cruiser[Acculluz]_name
- Jet Cruiser Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamer_lvl1[Evilagician]_name
- Dino Tamer Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamer_lvl2[Evilagician]_name
- Dino Tamer Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamer_lvl3[Ylva]_name
- Dino Tamer Level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dinotamer_lvl4[Evilagician]_name
- Dino Tamer Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dracolyte_lvl1[Delicious]_name
- Dracolyte Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dracolyte_lvl2[Delicious]_name
- Dracolyte Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dracolyte_lvl3[Delicious]_name
- Dracolyte Level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_dracolyte_lvl4[Delicious]_name
- Dracolyte Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_fabricator[Delicious]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_fabricator[Delicious]_name
- Framework Fabricator Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_faetrickster_lvl1[Delicious]_name
- Fae Trickster Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_faetrickster_lvl2[Delicious]_name
- Fae Trickster Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_faetrickster_lvl3[Delicious]_name
- Fae Trickster Level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_faetrickster_lvl4[Delicious]_name
- Fae Trickster Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_geodepurple[TroveTeam]_desc
- Made fashionable by Sous-Chef Saltina, this hardened headgear keeps your ideas sharp with a little Crystallogical craftsmanship.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_geodepurple[TroveTeam]_name
- Geodian Gemcap
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_gumball[MagicMate]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_gumball[MagicMate]_name
- Gumball Gunner Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_gunslinger_lvl1[Technoshyft]_name
- Gunslinger Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_gunslinger_lvl2[Technoshyft]_name
- Gunslinger Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_gunslinger_lvl3[Technoshyft]_name
- Gunslinger Level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_gunslinger_lvl4[pendk]_name
- Gunslinger Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_halvocado[TroveTeam]_desc
- Its squishy, delicious interior pads your noggin against the punches life throws at you.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_halvocado[TroveTeam]_name
- Halvocado Helmet
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_icemage_lvl1[Ylva]_name
- Ice Sage Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_icemage_lvl2[Ylva]_name
- Ice Sage Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_icemage_lvl3[Ylva]_name
- Ice Sage Level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_icemage_lvl4[Ylva]_name
- Ice Sage Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_ignis[Wyvern_Mihail]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_ignis[Wyvern_Mihail]_name
- Ignis Dracolich Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_knight_lvl1[Evilagician]_name
- Knight Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_knight_lvl2[Evilagician]_name
- Knight Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_knight_lvl3[Ylva]_name
- Knight Level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_knight_lvl4[Evilagician]_name
- Knight Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_lippylap[LippyLapras]_desc
- Coaxes calm in those around it with a soothing song of the sea.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_lippylap[LippyLapras]_name
- Serene Seaskimmer
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_lunarlancer_lvl1[Delicious]_name
- Lunar Lancer Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_lunarlancer_lvl2[Delicious]_name
- Lunar Lancer Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_lunarlancer_lvl3[Delicious]_name
- Lunar Lancer Level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_lunarlancer_lvl4[Delicious]_name
- Lunar Lancer Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_nedkelly[Boo_Aus]_desc
- Pocked with projectile impacts, but not one actually made it through.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_nedkelly[Boo_Aus]_name
- Bandit's Bastion
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_nekomaid_01[GadgetCAT]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_nekomaid_01[GadgetCAT]_name
- Mecha Nekomaid Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_neonninja_lvl1[Evilagician]_name
- Neon Ninja Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_neonninja_lvl2[Evilagician]_name
- Neon Ninja Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_neonninja_lvl3[Evilagician]_name
- Neon Ninja level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_neonninja_lvl4[Evilagician]_name
- Neon Ninja Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_pinata_masteryEX[SkyTheVirus]_desc
- A whole new breed of Mastery Pinata.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_pinata_masteryEX[SkyTheVirus]_name
- Mastery Hyperpin Helmet
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_pirate_lvl1[Ylva]_name
- Pirate Captain Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_pirate_lvl2[Ylva]_name
- Pirate Captain Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_pirate_lvl3[Ylva]_name
- Pirate Captain Level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_pirate_lvl4[Ylva]_name
- Pirate Captain Levle 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_pyromagical[LippyLapras]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_pyromagical[LippyLapras]_name
- Pyromagical Prankster Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_rabbitraiser_02[B_Y3LL0W]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_rabbitraiser_02[B_Y3LL0W]_name
- Rabbity Raiser Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_shadowduck[BisquiteCat]_desc
- This crazy quacker's claims will lead you down the path of sorrow.
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_shadowduck[BisquiteCat]_name
- Doom Drake
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_shadowhunter_lvl1[Ylva]_name
- Shadow Hunter Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_shadowhunter_lvl2[Ylva]_name
- Shadow Hunter Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_shadowhunter_lvl3[Ylva]_name
- Shadow Hunter Levl 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_shadowhunter_lvl4[Ylva]_name
- Shadow Hunter Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_spirittank_lvl1[Delicious]_name
- Revenant Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_spirittank_lvl2[Delicious]_name
- Revenant Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_spirittank_lvl3[Delicious]_name
- Revenant Level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_spirittank_lvl4[Delicious]_name
- Revenant Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_starforger[Cicasajt]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_starforger[Cicasajt]_name
- Star Forger Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_tombraiser_lvl1[Magicmate]_name
- Tomb Raiser Starter Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_tombraiser_lvl2[Magicmate]_name
- Tomb Raiser Level 10 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_tombraiser_lvl3[Magicmate]_name
- Tomb Raiser Level 20 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_tombraiser_lvl4[Magicmate]_name
- Tomb Raiser Level 30 Helm
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_422[Squiddy_101]_desc
- As its mechanism spins, the affixed prayers flutter, creating a soothing buzz that eases the mind and steadies the hand.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_422[Squiddy_101]_name
- Whirling Windwheel
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_423[KinoyoK]_desc
- Fitted and adorned with spider silk woven into intricate, dreamcatcher-like patterns.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_423[KinoyoK]_name
- Webwing Witchbow
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_424[Zilten]_desc
- Rock candy skulls and fluorescent blue gummyworms give this rapid-fire repeater a suitably gothic appearance.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_424[Zilten]_name
- Goat'Guud's Gatling Bow
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_425[forenmagra]_desc
- Serve up some sweet, citrus-frosted flechettes to your embittered foes.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_425[forenmagra]_name
- Orange Slayer Cake Slice
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_426[Rossaroni]_desc
- Catches the wind and uses it to send your arrows sailing through the skies.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_426[Rossaroni]_name
- Masted Bow
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_427[GadgetCAT]_desc
- When not being used to shoot your enemies, it hums little ditties, just barely audible, in a soothing, robotic voice.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_427[GadgetCAT]_name
- Idle Vocalizer
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_428[BasicEgg]_desc
- Bone dry from exposure to the Desert Frontier winds.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_428[BasicEgg]_name
- Tinder Twig Bow
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_429[Legodriel]_desc
- Occasional fires decoy arrows to confuse any target fast enough to dodge the real ones.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_429[Legodriel]_name
- Fletch Ringer
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_blueranger[Aingommon]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_blueranger[Aingommon]_name
- Blue Trovian Ranger Bow
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_chaotic[3motions]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_chaotic[3motions]_name
- Chaotic Wanderer Bow
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_axe_104[Stedms]_desc
- Some dragonkin chose instead to forge balefire into weapons, hoping the strife would end before they succumbed to its curse.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_axe_104[Stedms]_name
- Heretic Hatchet
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_axe_105[Stedms]_desc
- Necessity is the mother of invention, and miners beset upon by cactotes and steambots were desperate indeed.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_axe_105[Stedms]_name
- Cog Cleaver
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_axe_candybarbarian_borkbarian_name
- Corgian Borkbarian Battleaxe
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_blunt_293[Billwilkens]_desc
- Delivers a mighty tongue-lashing, and not of the metaphorical kind.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_blunt_293[Billwilkens]_name
- Rapping Ribbit
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_blunt_294[OreoKirby]_desc
- Breaks you out of any endless loop, provided you have the gristle for it.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_blunt_294[OreoKirby]_name
- Hard Unlock
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_blunt_hockey[Detroit_619_Gamer]_desc
- Useful when inducing all manner of pratfalls, 'accidental' collisions, and general roughhousing.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_blunt_hockey[Detroit_619_Gamer]_name
- Icerink Slapstick
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_480[Stedms]_desc
- As the Daimeownt deigns, the blade abides.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_480[Stedms]_name
- Daimeownt's Decree
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_481[vipility]_desc
- Completely devoid of texture, it deals damage with no pain.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_481[vipility]_name
- Plain Grain
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_482[ZangetsuT]_desc
- Trust me, you don't want to know how it was fertilized...
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_482[ZangetsuT]_name
- Pumpkin Overgrowth
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_483[Kelshiso]_desc
- Purified in sunlight for eons, it's malice is but a shadow of its former self, but it is no less deadly.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_483[Kelshiso]_name
- Diffused Shade
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_484[Draganaur]_desc
- With false promises and citations of dogma, the Avatar of Anarchy further fanned the flames of discord among Dragonkind.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_484[Draganaur]_name
- Dragonkin Divider
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_485[Cicasajt]_desc
- Overexposure to its light-emitting diode is likely to lead to death or deletion.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_485[Cicasajt]_name
- Hardlight E-Razor
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_chaotic[3motions]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_chaotic[3motions]_name
- Chaotic Wanderer Sword
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_505[NinkPT]_desc
- Pick off your targets - and pick up their loot - from afar with deadly precision.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_505[NinkPT]_name
- Glim Grapple
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_507[Linneul]_desc
- Mock your foes mercilessly while merrily and berrily pelting away at them.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_507[Linneul]_name
- Raspberry Roaster
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_509[Lordaloa]_desc
- A radiant lightgun designed to usher its targets on to the afterlife.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_509[Lordaloa]_name
- Aurion Ascender
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_510[BlazzenOnthaKayyak]_desc
- A tasty treat, almost as sweet as the taste of victory.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_510[BlazzenOnthaKayyak]_name
- Blueberry Chocone
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_511[Bart]_desc
- Strike it against hard surfaces and strange things happen.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_511[Bart]_name
- Meteor Matchstick
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_512[thelunarfox75]_desc
- Its inner workings are inscrutable, but its jolts are felt all the way to the bone.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_512[thelunarfox75]_name
- Skeletaser
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_513[thatsea251]_desc
- Its design is archaic, primitive even, but the results are utterly dazzling.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_513[thatsea251]_name
- Sun Popper
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_514[Volgaria]_desc
- Five generations of increased firepower makes for a lot of dakka.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_514[Volgaria]_name
- Vulcannon Mk. V
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_515[Praedon]_desc
- Invented by an entrepreneuring pirrot who relocated his business to the Desert Frontier early in the Arcanium revolution.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_515[Praedon]_name
- Metal Macawdmiral
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_516[GuyDude1337]_desc
- A cute little bundle of joy... if by 'joy' you mean highly temperamental explosive materials.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_516[GuyDude1337]_name
- Pyrotechnics Package
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_517[JupeFin]_desc
- The extra long barrel provides increased accuracy to its projectiles.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_517[JupeFin]_name
- Long Long
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_518[AdamantSpartan]_desc
- If your enemies don't try to make up after you make you displeasure known, go ahead and paint the town red.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_518[AdamantSpartan]_name
- Lippy Stickler
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_519[Shellcat]_desc
- An early prototype of a Plasmium-based beam weapon intended to phase out older Arcanium models.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_519[Shellcat]_name
- Protoplasmic Drill
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_521[Stermo]_desc
- Ideal for when you need to kick butt and chew bubblegum, because you'll never run out of gum.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_521[Stermo]_name
- Strawberry Gum Gun
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_522[TheGoldenBucket]_desc
- Provides a sturdy foundation for any arguments that get you what you want.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_522[TheGoldenBucket]_name
- Solid-State Deriver
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_523[Darkboy1010]_desc
- Slow to fire, and rather fragile, but hostilities usually cease after the first shot.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_523[Darkboy1010]_name
- Glacial Cannon
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_524[KobayashiMaru]_desc
- In some cultures, adolescent dragons are called 'spitfires', in part for the obvious reason, and in part due to their rambunctious and aggressive temperament.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_524[KobayashiMaru]_name
- Azulian Spitfire
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_525[GuyDude1337]_desc
- The compound is unknown, volatile, and highly toxic. Luckily for you the vessel never needs refilling.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_525[GuyDude1337]_name
- Serum Syringe
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_527[NeoXenon]_desc
- Nothing like a blast of sub-zero air right in the teeth to deter mouthy predators.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_527[NeoXenon]_name
- Freezing Fangbuster
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_528[Eagleyley]_desc
- Dragons are essentially giant, scaly, winged, magical cats, and this weapon is equally effective on both.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_528[Eagleyley]_name
- Heavy Hydroblaster
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_529[LaFreakki]_desc
- The bit can be deployed at range and activated remotely to tackle mining in hard-to-reach locations.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_529[LaFreakki]_name
- Remote Rockdrill
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_530[KuestVire]_desc
- Considered a weed by the Wild Fae, but they are highly valuable to poachers who then smuggle them into the Desert Frontier.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_530[KuestVire]_name
- Fae Asparagun
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_531[MadMalGuy]_desc
- Treated with a special alloy to withstand the sweltering sun and briny breezes of the Treasure Isles.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_531[MadMalGuy]_name
- Bronzed Bulleteer
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_532[Lennyways]_desc
- Treat your foes to a tasty helping of this tart torte, confectioned from a classic candorian delight.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_532[Lennyways]_name
- Purpurine Piestole
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_534[Enjoyneering]_desc
- Same premise as the Twin version, but 50% more output, with minor adjustments to account for overheating and ammo concerns.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_534[Enjoyneering]_name
- Triple Turbolaser
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_535[exone]_desc
- This Candorian handcannon embodies the Desert Frontier philosophy of 'Talk softly and carry a big boomstick'.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_535[exone]_name
- Strawbully Shotgun
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_536[DancingDragon]_desc
- It is to lava what the H-20 Hydrofont is to water.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_536[DancingDragon]_name
- Volcano Vacuum
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_537[Dodger7777]_desc
- The delicate balance between stoic tranquility and explosive assertiveness.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_537[Dodger7777]_name
- Yin Bang
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_538[NovusNX]_desc
- Though many have been deceived make no mistake - the Shadows are no-one's friend.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_538[NovusNX]_name
- Frondly Fire
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_539[Elthen]_desc
- This miniaturized fusion reactor is a marvel or a nightmare, depending on which side of the Luminopolis conflict you are on.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_539[Elthen]_name
- Magnacoil Magnum
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_541[Darkmight242]_desc
- This compact railgun has little trouble blowing up barriers and obviating obstacles.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_541[Darkmight242]_name
- Viridium Velosieger
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_542[Mysandwich]_desc
- Essentially a weaponized fire extinguisher.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_542[Mysandwich]_name
- Freezefoamer
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_543[RikaSigma]_desc
- Less 'Wheel of Karma', more 'Soulnado'.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_543[RikaSigma]_name
- Soul Centrifuge
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_544[ExtrysGO]_desc
- Allows remote interactions with distant matter, or you can just shake things really hard until they disintegrate.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_544[ExtrysGO]_name
- Magnetronic Manipulator
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_545[magicbat]_desc
- Its piercing blades of light slash through shadows with little opposition.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_545[magicbat]_name
- Brightblade Baselard
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_546[Tormental]_desc
- The larval form of an apex predator from the Desert Frontier, it spits sticky caustic fluids to capture prey.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_546[Tormental]_name
- Slavering Sandworm
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_547[ToriE]_desc
- Emits piercing bolts of a mysterious energy unknown on Trove.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_547[ToriE]_name
- N-Charged Needler
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_548[Zungry]_desc
- Concocts assorted chemical cocktails that combine on contact with the target for extra-noxious effects.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_548[Zungry]_name
- Chemical Quadbarrel
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_549[Ketchi]_desc
- Just like the sun, nothing can hide from it forever.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_549[Ketchi]_name
- Sunreach Sniper
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_550[Jedimario]_desc
- The power of the storm, at your fingertips.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_550[Jedimario]_name
- Thunderclaw
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_551[Highlancer54]_desc
- Beloved of bounty hunters intent on bringing home the bacon.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_551[Highlancer54]_name
- Porky Pew-Pewer
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_dinotamer_steampunk_name
- Time-Stranded Paleontologist Pistol
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_fabricator[Delicious]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_fabricator[Delicious]_name
- Framework Fabricator Pistol
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_gumball[MagicMate]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_gumball[MagicMate]_name
- Gumball Gunner Gun
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_gunslinger_tuxedo_name
- Tombstone Tempest Silvergun
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_196[Praedon]_desc
- Force your way through your foes like sunlight through the clouds overhead.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_196[Praedon]_name
- Sunshimmer
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_197[Vadosk]_desc
- Its crown waxes and wanes, devouring light to fuel its flame.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_197[Vadosk]_name
- Dread Darkcandle
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_198[MCCrash]_desc
- Sadly, the mechanism that extends and retracts the head is broken.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_198[MCCrash]_name
- Telescoping Tine
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_199[PolacekX3]_desc
- Forged to look like the sun, it unfortunately lacks any inherent Radiance.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_199[PolacekX3]_name
- Spiked Sunmace
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_200[Vadosk]_desc
- Reflexively lashes out whenever its eye is irritated.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_200[Vadosk]_name
- Tentacular Trident
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_201[Mon1erca1]_desc
- Wild Fae seed their forest with plants that can be used as weapons at a moment's notice.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_201[Mon1erca1]_name
- Bine Billhook
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_202[Galahad07]_desc
- Interfaces surprisingly well with robot drones - or surprisingly badly, if you're the drone being inter-faced with it.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_202[Galahad07]_name
- Neon Needle
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_203[Tomborius]_desc
- Designed to decommission marauding robots, but sometimes just fries their chips through and through.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_203[Tomborius]_name
- Buggy Botzapper
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_204[PolacekX3]_desc
- Sunlight plays over its surfaces, giving it a subtle glow.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_204[PolacekX3]_name
- Sunsheen Spear
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_205[PhotonMuffin]_desc
- It portends doom to those singled out by its wielder.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_205[PhotonMuffin]_name
- Harbinger Halberd
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_206[Vadosk]_desc
- The Keeper of Histories knows many fables and cautionary tales which one should heed lest they repeat the mistakes of the past.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_206[Vadosk]_name
- Aurym's Allegory
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_207[Croissanti]_desc
- Anything beyond five points is probably overkill, and this thing has seventeen, so you do the math.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_207[Croissanti]_name
- Prime-Pronged Piercer
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_208[zJustSimple]_desc
- Whatever the frozen ichor on the tip is, it radiates palpable malevolence.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_208[zJustSimple]_name
- Frozen Envy
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_209[Laegh]_desc
- Drives at your foes with force equivalent to a skydiving bull without a parachute.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_209[Laegh]_name
- Winged Goad
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_210[LongInteger]_desc
- At least in life its badgering would stop long enough for it to draw breath.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_210[LongInteger]_name
- Ceaseless Stricture
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_211[RazorousTheRogue]_desc
- Its lustre dimmed by time or shadow, but its point remains sharp.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_211[RazorousTheRogue]_name
- Subdued Sunspear
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_212[BillWilkens]_desc
- Its hunger is only equalled by its cuteness.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_212[BillWilkens]_name
- Teeny Pterodactyl
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_213[EdgeG]_desc
- Lure your foes close with this enticing spear, then reel them in or run them through.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_213[EdgeG]_name
- Bait and Stitch
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_214[Evilagician]_desc
- Burn and bore, scorch and spear, bring your foes despair and fear.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_214[Evilagician]_name
- Torchentine
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_215[vadosk]_desc
- Emits a soft, almost inaudible tune that echoes in the hearts of the valiant.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_215[vadosk]_name
- Song of Sanctuary
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_216[superdog71]_desc
- Fashioned with bodily harm in mind.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_216[superdog71]_name
- Hangnail Hook
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_217[Zsword]_desc
- An ancient weapon design from Reng, it is a priceless example of stoneshaping techniques from the early days of the Empire.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_217[Zsword]_name
- Jadeleaf Janga
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_218[Zsword]_desc
- Knock your foes silly with it and watch them lose their minds.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_218[Zsword]_name
- Bonkers Bonker
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_219[LordAlora]_desc
- A beacon of hope on any battlefield.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_219[LordAlora]_name
- Shining Seraph
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_220[Fcois_ini83]_desc
- Once a protective glyph, it is now associated with the curse that befell the Golden Vale.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_220[Fcois_ini83]_name
- Rancor's Rune
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_222[Zurcio]_desc
- A couple well-timed riffs will send your foes reeling.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_222[Zurcio]_name
- Faithful Facemelter
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_223[Jupefin]_desc
- A famed Draccoon weapon, it is said to never miss an airborne target when hurled.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_223[Jupefin]_name
- Fyrfalkan
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_225[Kryssot]_desc
- Whether Frostflake was given the scale or stole it is a matter of heated debate to this day.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_225[Kryssot]_name
- Galenor's Scalance
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_226[Everscream]_desc
- Cobbled together from Resistor technology, it drives the point home that the Amperium are not welcome in Luminopolis.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_226[Everscream]_name
- Lightcasting Luminlance
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_227[Kentuky]_desc
- Although not all Dragon Ogres betrayed their oaths, those that didn't were quickly destroyed by their perfidious peers.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_227[Kentuky]_name
- Dissident Dragontongue
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_228[Spirare]_desc
- Moved by Siranjar's selflessness, Almakhestia plucked a star from her wing and forged it into a mighty weapon for the wizened warrior.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_228[Spirare]_name
- Siranjar's Last Wish
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_229[Jupefin]_desc
- Deals no damage to the physical body, only to the evils hidden inside it.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_229[Jupefin]_name
- Brand of Banishment
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_230[Twiglest]_desc
- One of a twinned pair wielded by the Fae warrior priestess Ahn-Xyrli, and an integral part of her legend.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_230[Twiglest]_name
- Green Glaivelle
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_231[Praedon]_desc
- Sharp enough to open not one, but two cans.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_231[Praedon]_name
- Bitone Beak
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_232[Dexical]_desc
- Not its intended purpose, but it can be used to poke both eyes out at the same time.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_232[Dexical]_name
- Radiating iRod
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_233[Twiglest]_desc
- The Khangyar, or Journey Staff, is bestowed by the Kami unto those who exemplify their embodied virtue.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_233[Twiglest]_name
- Khangyar of Fervor
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_234[OreoKirby]_desc
- Every flame snuffed out, every song silenced.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_234[OreoKirby]_name
- Star Darkener
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_235[BiBinca]_desc
- Nobody asked for it, but you're bringing extra and they're going to have to deal with it.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_235[BiBinca]_name
- Slush Pylon
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_236[MoFenrir]_desc
- It's hooked blade is said to be able to pull a soul right out of its body.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_236[MoFenrir]_name
- Seized and Deceased
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_345[S0ftersin]_desc
- Not a face you want to encounter in a dark vent duct or abandoned space colony.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_345[S0ftersin]_name
- Star Stalker
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_starforger[Cicasajt]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_starforger[Cicasajt]_name
- Star Forger Spear
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_499[Zlender02]_desc
- Takes before the time is due, stealing today's promise with no thought for tomorrow's need.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_499[Zlender02]_name
- Unseemly End
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_500[snake_bumble]_desc
- Once thought to be yet another cursed Balefire relic, further study revealed it to contain an ancient and forgotten magic that predates the Reign of Dragons.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_500[snake_bumble]_name
- Serpent's Spark
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_501[Jrlegoman]_desc
- Scholars surmise it to be a relic from a lost offshoot of the Fae species.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_501[Jrlegoman]_name
- Toothy Totem
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_502[FiannaTiger]_desc
- Takes a while to warm up, but once it gets going the result is thunderous.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_502[FiannaTiger]_name
- Smoldering Surprise
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_503[IIEERRAA]_desc
- Exquisitely arranged for displays of beauty and power.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_503[IIEERRAA]_name
- Chloromancer's Corsage
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_504[BorgoMadonno]_desc
- Long studied by the Ice Sages, who developed a lesser version of its devastating power, it has remained silent since the fall of the Frost Fae empire.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_504[BorgoMadonno]_name
- Starcaller Standard
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_505[OreoKirby]_desc
- Despite the darkness, there are still those who proffer their prayers to the night sky in the hopes of being heard.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_505[OreoKirby]_name
- Lightless Lapse
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_506[OreoKirby]_desc
- Favoured by justice-minded casters intent on redistributing the means of Shadow destruction.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_506[OreoKirby]_name
- Classy Key
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_507[Lurax]_desc
- Once carried by devotees of the Moon Goddess, who used it to keep track of holy days and other time-sensitive information.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_507[Lurax]_name
- Phased Cadence
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_508[Thenqwe]_desc
- You might feel a little self-conscious yelling 'Choo-Choo' with every spell you cast, but its potency is undeniable.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_508[Thenqwe]_name
- Steam Wizstle
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_509[Kive10]_desc
- Named after the archmage Shandri, who stole its crowning crystal from an evil artifact, rendering it useless and stealing some of its power for herself.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_509[Kive10]_name
- Shandri's Shardwand
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_510[Demirion]_desc
- The dragonhorns that hold its focus gem have been stained black by its seeping corruption.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_510[Demirion]_name
- Horned Hexstaff
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_511[Geoff]_desc
- While Purifying Dragon Flame proved ineffective against the Balefire Curse, it was shown to cleanse many forms of Shadow corruption, and the Dracolytes quickly put this knowledge to good use.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_511[Geoff]_name
- Faith's Flamebearer
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_512[MasterFader]_desc
- Appears to have been misplaced by some dimensional gatekeeper, who is now probably irrevocably stranded.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_512[MasterFader]_name
- Portable Portalizer
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_513[UnikGod]_desc
- Unnecessary to propel the SS Draconic, but great at making miscreants feel the burn.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_513[UnikGod]_name
- Lava Lake Paddle
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_514[Sailor_Hatan]_desc
- Used by the peoples of the Frontier to find food and water, among many other things.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_514[Sailor_Hatan]_name
- Desert Dowser
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_515[Shmebulock666]_desc
- Part of a device used to pump underground water to the desert surface, it returns to its original shape no matter what force is applied to it.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_515[Shmebulock666]_name
- Frontier Spring
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_516[Caspersaur]_desc
- Forged by the Enchantress of Number, who formulated what would become the First Algorithm in the field of Mathemagic.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_516[Caspersaur]_name
- Love-Laced Counting Rod
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_517[Devilswarchild]_desc
- The secrets of its use seem lost to the Shroomans of the Cursed Vale, judging by the rank dankness of their abodes.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_517[Devilswarchild]_name
- Darkshroom Dweomerant
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_pyromagical[LippyLapras]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_pyromagical[LippyLapras]_name
- Pyromagical Prankster Staff
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_rabbitraiser_02[B_Y3LL0W]_desc
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_rabbitraiser_02[B_Y3LL0W]_name
- Rabbity Raiser Staff
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_tombraiser_balefirealt[Jeranydus]_desc
- Even when contained in a suitable relic, Balefire eventually corrupts and consumes those who wield it.
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_tombraiser_balefirealt[Jeranydus]_name
- Beholden Balecaster
- $prefabs_skins_candybarbarian_borkbarian_skinset_description
- A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nAppreciate what is best in life, like scritches, treats, and majestic floofs without a hecking concern in the world.
- $prefabs_skins_candybarbarian_borkbarian_skinset_name
- Corgian Borkbarian
- $prefabs_skins_gunslinger_tuxedo_skinset_description
- A costume for the Gunslinger.\n\nThe weather forecast for this high noon is a hail of bullets.
- $prefabs_skins_gunslinger_tuxedo_skinset_name
- Tombstone Tempest
Changed Strings
- $Adventure_Unique_CelestialChampion_02_longdesc
- OLD: Travel to the Hub World, enter the Arena Portal, and participate in PVP battles. May the strongest Trovian win!
- NEW: Throw 100 Rubber Bombs, Lava Bombs, and Big Bombs in Bomber Royale.
- $Adventure_Unique_CelestialChampion_02_name
- OLD: Complete PVP Arena Matches
- NEW: Throw Bombs in Bomber Royale
- $Adventure_Unique_CelestialChampion_02_shortdesc
- OLD: Travel to the Hub World, enter the Arena Portal, and participate in PVP battles.
- NEW: Throw 100 Rubber Bombs, Lava Bombs, and Big Bombs in Bomber Royale.
- $Claims_Sunfest_Daily_Login
- OLD: Celebrate the summer! Win dragons, mounts, 1-year Patron, and much more!
- NEW: Celebrate the summer! Open Golden Ticket chests for a chance at exciting prizes!
- $CollectionName_ForbiddenSpiresAdvanced
- OLD: Forbidden Spires Advanced Frameworks
- NEW: FS Advanced Frameworks
- $NameChangeInstructions
- OLD: Changing your name will require you to leave this world.\n\nIf you are ready then enter your name below:
- NEW: Changing your name will require you to leave this world and be reconnected.\n\nIf you are ready then enter your name below:
- $Quest_GoldenThread_event_remembranceofreng_07_Description
- OLD: Remembrance of Reng 7/7: But hope has begun to return to my homeland. The long forgotten song of Shaoran, Sage of the Eastern Ranges, has risen up to join Onbari. Another Cardinal Spirit is regaining its strength. You and other Trovians like you are responsible for this. Reng may once again return to its former glory. You are the light that will repel the Shadow.\n\nJadebound Phantoms can be found as lair bosses and open world monsters in Forbidden Spires biomes. The appear as a floating mask of jade.
- NEW: Remembrance of Reng 7/7: But hope has begun to return to my homeland. The long forgotten song of Shaoran, Sage of the Eastern Ranges, has risen up to join Onbari. Another Cardinal Spirit is regaining its strength. You and other Trovians like you are responsible for this. Reng may once again return to its former glory. You are the light that will repel the Shadow.\n\nJadebound Phantoms can be found as lair bosses and open world monsters in Forbidden Spires biomes. They appear as a floating mask of jade.
- $StoreProduct_item_lootbox_chaos_vault_dark_1_description
- OLD: A charged chaos chest which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus.
- NEW: A charged chaos chest which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus.\n\nAlso has a chance to award Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragments.
- $StoreProduct_item_lootbox_chaos_vault_dark_3_description
- OLD: Charged chaos chests which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus.
- NEW: Charged chaos chests which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus.\n\nAlso has a chance to award Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragments.
- $badge_rewardId_dragon_flux_pet_name
- OLD: Ally: Golden Horde Dragonling
- NEW: Ally: Golden Hoard Dragonling
- $prefabs_abilities_candybarbarian_passive_spawncandy_item_description
- OLD: When attacked, the Candy Barbarian will sometimes drop rage-enducing Gum Drops, increasing attack speed and movement speed.
- NEW: When attacked, the Candy Barbarian will sometimes drop rage-inducing Gum Drops, increasing attack speed and movement speed.
- $prefabs_abilities_ice_mage_subclass_description
- OLD: Damage from enemies will activate an absorb shield. Shield can absorb 5% of your maximum health.
- NEW: Chance on damage received to activate a shield. Lasts 5s. While active, movement speed, magic damage, and attack speed are increased. Damage received greater than 50% of your HP is absorbed.
- $prefabs_abilities_icemage_freezeblast_item_description
- OLD: Freezes and damages all enemies around the Ice Sage for 3.5 seconds. Any damage done to frozen enemies is applied when they thaw.
- NEW: Freezes and damages all enemies around the Ice Sage for 3.5 seconds doing frostbite damage while frozen.
- $prefabs_abilities_icemage_iceward_item_description
- OLD: Increases the movement speed, damage, and attack speed of the Ice Sage. Any damaging attack that would do more than 10% of the Ice Sage's maximum health is absorbed, breaking the Frozen Ward.
- NEW: Increases the movement speed, damage, and attack speed of the Ice Sage while active. Reduces all incoming damage by 50% for a short time.
- $prefabs_abilities_icemage_icicledrop_item_description
- OLD: Drops an icicle from the heavens, dealing damage over an area.
- NEW: Drops an icicle from the heavens, dealing damage over an area that chills enemies, slowing their movement speed. Also turns lava blocks into water blocks for a short time.
- $prefabs_collections_flask_effect_energy_item_description
- OLD: Can be purchased with Cubits or Credits at the store.
- NEW: Can be purchased on occation from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
- $prefabs_collections_flask_effect_shield_item_description
- OLD: Can be purchased with Cubits or Credits at the store.
- NEW: Can be purchased on occation from Luxion's Store when he appears in the Trove Hub.
- $prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_jet_item_description
- OLD: Crackling with energy, this fabled stormbringer electrifies the clouds as he tears through the skies. \n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +10 Maximum Energy and +50 Magic Find.
- NEW: Crackling with energy, this fabled stormbringer electrifies the clouds as he tears through the skies. \n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +10 Maximum Energy, +3% Energy Regeneration, +1000 Max Health, and +50 Magic Find.
- $prefabs_item_crafting_boundbrilliance_item_description
- OLD: Crafting Material. A physical receptacle for captured light. Used to augment gems, which adds stats and Power Rank. Found in Boons of various Celestial Paragons at the Radiant Dayspring in the Hub, and from Events.
- NEW: Crafting Material. A physical receptacle for captured light. Used to augment gems, which adds stats and Power Rank. Obtained from the Weekly Class Power Rank Leaderboards and from Events.
- $prefabs_item_dragon_essence_amperium_name
- OLD: Dormant Amperium Dragon Egg Fragment
- NEW: Amperium Dragon Egg Fragment
- $prefabs_item_dragon_essence_bird_name
- OLD: Dormant Golden Vale Dragon Egg Fragment
- NEW: Golden Vale Dragon Egg Fragment
- $prefabs_item_dragon_essence_data_name
- OLD: Dormant Hexed Dragon Egg Fragment
- NEW: Hexed Dragon Egg Fragment
- $prefabs_item_dragon_essence_jet_name
- OLD: Dormant Tempest Dragon Egg Fragment
- NEW: Tempest Dragon Egg Fragment
- $prefabs_item_dragon_essence_lightspear_name
- OLD: Dormant Lightspear Dragon Egg Fragment
- NEW: Lightspear Dragon Egg Fragment
- $prefabs_item_dragon_essence_resistor_name
- OLD: Dormant Resistor Dragon Egg Fragment
- NEW: Resistor Dragon Egg Fragment
- $prefabs_item_gem_large_blue_icemage_t110_description
- OLD: Empowered Water Gem for the Ice Sage. Ice Crash now fires a fan of icicle projectiles, which apply a stacking snare. When an icicle hits an enemy with a full stack of snare effects, it spawns a nova of ice shards from the enemy. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
- NEW: The Ice Sage's empowered basic attack freezes for 1 second on the first hit. It also chills enemies, slowing their movement speed. Enemies hit three times with Basic Attack while "Pain Freeze" is equipped explode taking additional damage.\n\n Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
- $prefabs_item_gem_large_red_icemage_t110_description
- OLD: Empowered Fire Gem for the Ice Sage. Ice Crash now fires a fan of icicle projectiles, which apply a stacking snare. When an icicle hits an enemy with a full stack of snare effects, it spawns a nova of ice shards from the enemy. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
- NEW: The Ice Sage's empowered basic attack freezes for 1 second on the first hit. It also chills enemies, slowing their movement speed. Enemies hit three times with Basic Attack while "Pain Freeze" is equipped explode taking additional damage.\n\n Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
- $prefabs_item_gem_large_yellow_icemage_t110_description
- OLD: Empowered Air Gem for the Ice Sage. Ice Crash now fires a fan of icicle projectiles, which apply a stacking snare. When an icicle hits an enemy with a full stack of snare effects, it spawns a nova of ice shards from the enemy. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
- NEW: The Ice Sage's empowered basic attack freezes for 1 second on the first hit. It also chills enemies, slowing their movement speed. Enemies hit three times with Basic Attack while "Pain Freeze" is equipped explode taking additional damage.\n\n Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
- $prefabs_item_lootbox_chaosvault_dark_description
- OLD: A charged chaos chest which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus.
- NEW: A charged chaos chest which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus. Also has a chance to award Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragments.
- $prefabs_item_pet_butterfly_mothwhite_item_name
- OLD: Ally: Artic Behe-Moth
- NEW: Ally: Arctic Behe-Moth
- $prefabs_item_plantseed_spring_bulb_item_description
- OLD: Decorative. These pretty flowers pop up as soon as spring arrives.
- NEW: Decorative. These pretty flowers will flourish in any season.
- $prefabs_item_plantseed_spring_chalice_item_description
- OLD: Decorative. This spring flower collects dew inside its blossom, hence its name.
- NEW: Decorative. This lovely flower collects dew inside its blossom, hence its name.
- $prefabs_item_plantseed_thanksgiving_corn_item_description
- OLD: A cornerstone of the Trovian diet harvested in time for Turkeytopia.
- NEW: A cornerstone of the Trovian diet, especially around Turkeytopia.
- $prefabs_item_plantseed_winter_sun_item_description
- OLD: Decorative. These wintry sunflowers bloom only after the days start getting longer again.
- NEW: Decorative. These resilient sunflowers bloom in any weather.
- $prefabs_item_reliquary_crystal_uncommon_description
- OLD: Equip this in your discovery suit you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- NEW: Equip this in your discovery suit when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- $prefabs_item_wings_flame_geo_item_description
- OLD: White Hot Trovian Soaring.
- NEW: Be the hottest thing in the sky! Aside from the sun. And stars. Err... Be a hot thing in the sky!
- $prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_11_15_name
- OLD: Hoarfied Hornbow
- NEW: Hoarfiend Hornbow
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