- Sprinkles the unicorn mount is now available!
- Sebastian and Stormy the horses are now available!
- Cotton Candy the pet unicorn is now available!
- Fixed a bug that made Gunslingers unable to shoot enemies up close.
- When dropping items from your inventory you can now specify a number.
- Added the base cornerstone block to the color changing machine recipies.
- Added sounds to the Gunslinger's Blast Jump.
- Items that give Jump can now generate higher values.
- Removed description from Cubit, it will still show up in your inventory unless you clear it out completely.
- Zone rank now clamps item rarity a bit more. It's now much less likely to "jump" a whole rarity level without magic find.
- Posters and trophies no longer act like a block for player movement and don't let you stick stuff to them.
- Bonus source! The first three times a day you contribute to and fill the star bar you get +100 bonus Source.
- Reduced daily login bonus to 100 Source.
- Dungeons are now slightly smaller and always have one boss quest.
- Some visual adjustments
- Using /wp or /weaponpreview now reloads the model from disk so you don't need to restart.
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