We've updated the PTS database for the Trove - Geode update.
Welcome to the CRYSTALLOGY CENTER! -
Welcome to the COMPANION RANCH! -
TROVE SHUTTLE departure gates ahead! -
Welcome to the MINING FACILITY! -
@DNT - CatcherPlant_Blue -
@TEMP red light used with tagged prefabBlocks -
Measure of Quirkstone Ore -
@DNT - acid_vine_002 -
Crystalline Orange Shard -
Contained Corrupted Gem -
Decommissioned Thumper Leg -
@DNT - blue_vine_002 -
@DNT - Pebbles_Purple -
Measure of Sparkzite Ore -
Geoponic Moonlit Moss Cultivar -
@TEMP green light used with tagged prefabBlocks -
Orange Spire Banner Upper Middle Section -
Geoshuttle Main Screen Center Section -
Sample Bronzed Companion Egg -
Green Spire Banner Lower Middle Section -
Decommissioned Thumper Chassis -
@Temp geode hub green 02 -
@DNT - pink_vine_002 -
Organic Moonlit Moss Cultivar -
Sunseeker Sword Trophy Bottom Section -
Geodian Sun Goddess Statue Third Orb -
@tempname geode cave A vine 01 -
Sunseeker Rug Center Section -
Purple Spire Banner Bottom Section -
Secure Sparkzite Shipment -
Geoshuttle Passenger Seat -
Sunseeker Rug Edge Section -
Decommissioned Pathpainter -
@TEMP blue light used with tagged prefabBlocks -
Geodian Stone Altar Endpiece -
Sample Argent Companion Egg -
Decommissioned Climbing Claw -
Geoponic Sunsap Cultivar -
Decommissioned Rocket Boots -
Secure Quirkstone Shipment -
Crystalline Green Shard -
Geodian Stone Shelf -
Measure of Lunarium Ore -
@DNT - grass_turquoise_002 -
Solidarity Scale Model -
Geoponic Dream Dew Cultivar -
Geodian Stone Pillar Light -
Decommissioned Barrier Generator -
Revealed Reliquary Casing -
@TEMP purple light used with tagged prefabBlocks -
Geodian Sun Goddess Statue First Orb -
Geodian Direction Arrow - Up -
Secure Day Drop Shipment -
Sample Aurian Companion Egg -
Organic Cave Birds Cultivar -
Empty Organic Cultivar -
Purple Spire Banner Top Section -
Geoponic Queen Trumpet Cultivar -
Organic Dream Dew Cultivar -
@DNT - Test Pebbles -
@DNT - grass_turquoise_004 -
@DNT - CatcherPlant_Pink -
Secure Moonstone Shipment -
Geodian Direction Arrow - Down -
Geoshuttle Pilot Seat -
@DNT - Turquoise_vine_003 -
Purple Spire Banner Lower Middle Section -
Geoshuttle Small Wall Panel -
Measure of Moonstone Ore -
Loose Secure Shipment Crate Lid -
Sample Verdant Companion Egg -
@TEMP dim white light used with tagged prefabBlocks -
@DNT - Vine_wall_pink_002 -
Geodian Stone Wall Light -
Empty Secure Shipment Crate -
@TEMP chartreuse yellow light used with tagged prefabBlocks -
@DNT - grass_turquoise_006 -
@DNT - Torquoise_vine_001 -
@TEMP pink light used with tagged prefabBlocks -
Geodian Stone Table Center -
Loose Measure Lid -
@DNT - Vine_Wall_blue_02 -
Measure of Geminite Ore -
Sunseeker Sword Trophy Top Section -
@Temp geode hub green 04 -
@TEMP bright white light used with tagged prefabBlocks -
Small Geodian Supply Crate -
@DNT - Turquoise_vine_002 -
Decommissioned N-Charge Module -
Geodian Pedestal -
Measure Lid -
Blastadium Banner Top -
Blastadium Banner Middle -
@DNT - Vine_Wall_blue_01 -
Empty Measure Crate -
@DNT - grass_turquoise_005 -
Secure Geminite Shipment -
Geodian Stone Chair -
Geoshuttle Vertical Panel Bottom -
Lump of Sparkzite -
@DNT - Vine_Wall_Pink_01 -
Measure of Gleamstone Ore -
Geoshuttle Main Screen Right Section -
Geoshuttle Keyboard Console -
Orange Spire Banner Bottom Section -
Geoshuttle Breathing Apparatus -
Geodian Stone Altar Midsection -
Green Spire Banner Bottom Section -
Purple Spire Banner Top Middle Section -
Geoponic Cave Kelp Cultivar -
Secure Shipment Crate Lid -
@DNT - Vine_Wall_blue_03 -
Geoshuttle Corner Console Bottom Section -
Secure Gleamstone Shipment -
Sunseeker Shield Trophy -
Geodian Stone Table Corner -
Geoponic Wallflowers Cultivar -
Geoshuttle Horizontal Panel Left Section -
Empty Geoponic Cultivar Case -
Cheese Blockchain description changed from '' to 'Decor item only - has no additional value.'
Organic Wallflowers Cultivar -
Geodian Stone Pillar Middle -
Geodian Stone Pillar Top -
Geodian Sun Goddess Statue Bottom -
@TEMP sail blue light used with tagged prefabBlocks -
@DNT - Vine _wall_pink_003 -
Geoshuttle Standalone Console -
@Temp geode hub grass -
Sunseeker Banner Bottom -
Geoshuttle Joystick Console -
@tempname geode cave A uddershroom -
Geodian Sun Goddess Statue Second Orb -
Cracked Reliquary Casing -
@DNT - pink_vine_003 -
Geodian Stone Table Edge -
@DNT - grass_turquoise_001 -
Geoshuttle Corner Console Top Section -
Decommissioned GAS Module -
@TEMP yellow light used with tagged prefabBlocks -
Sample Crimson Companion Egg -
@TEMP white light used with tagged prefabBlocks -
Small Geodian Supply Barrel -
Secure Everlight Shipment -
Geodian Stone Pillar Base -
Crystalline Purple Shard -
Lump of Builderite -
@Temp geode hub green 03 -
Geoshuttle Helm Storage -
Secure Lunarium Shipment -
Geoponic Builder's Blossom Cultivar -
Lump of Chronozine -
Geoshuttle Horizontal Panel Right Section -
@DNT - blue_vine_003 -
Geoshuttle Pipe -
Geodian Sun Goddess Statue Top -
Geoponic Cave Birds Cultivar -
Geoshuttle Button -
Geodian Stone Bench -
Sunseeker Banner Top -
Sunseeker Banner Middle -
Measure of Day Drops Ore -
@DNT - acid_vine_003 -
@DNT - grass_turquoise_003 -
Geoshuttle Main Screen Left Section -
Blastadium Banner Bottom -
Organic Queen Trumpet Cultivar -
Containment Case Base -
@DNT - Podsticks_pink -
@DNT - pink_vine_001 -
Green Spire Banner Upper Middle Section -
@Temp geode hub green 01 -
Geoshuttle Vertical Panel Top -
Sample Violet Companion Egg -
Orange Spire Banner Lower Middle Section -
Organic Cave Kelp Cultivar -
Organic Builder's Blossom Cultivar -
Organic Sun Sap Cultivar -
@DNT - acid_vine_001 -
@TEMP orange light used with tagged prefabBlocks -
Green Spire Banner Top Section -
Decommissioned Omni-tool -
Orange Spire Banner Top Section -
Measure of Everlight Ore -
Sunseeker Rug Corner Section -
Lump of Quirkstone -
Milk Maker - A source of milk. Questionable!
Geode Cave B Indestructible Shell -
Geode Cave B Dirt -
Geode Cave B Indestructible Shell -
Geode Cave A Dirt -
Geode Cave B Dirt -
Geode Cave B Indestructible Shell -
@temp geode cave catcherplant blue -
@temp geode cave podsticks pink -
@temp geode cave pebbles red -
@temp geode cave grass 02 -
@temp geode cave a grass 01 -
@temp geode cave b grass 01 -
@temp geode cave pebbles blue -
@temp geode cave grass 04 -
@temp geode cave catcherplant pink -
@temp geode cave grass 06 -
@temp geode cave grass 05 -
@temp geode cave b grass 02 -
@temp geode cave grass name -
@temp geode cave pebbles purple -
@temp geode cave grass 03 -
- [item=placeable/block/transmute/nerdpolonium] - ($prefabs_placeable_block_transmute_nerdpolonium_item_description)
Cave A Indestructible -
Painted Path -
Small Geodian Crystal - Found buried on Geode. These crystals are of great value to the Geodians.
Painted Path -
Painted Path -
Painted Path -
Anti-Gravity Up - Upward anti-gravity block.
Silver Companion Egg - Hatches into one of 16 possible common or rare companions.
Painted Path -
Aimed Turret Red -
Energy Draining Block -
Anti-Gravity Down - Downward anti-gravity block.
Bronze Companion Egg - Hatches into one of 24 possible common, uncommon, or rare companions.
Small Coin - Collection minigame. This coin is worth 1 point.
Anti-Gravity Horizontal - Horizontal anti-gravity block.
Aimed Turret Red -
Invisible Collision -
Small Geodian Crystal - Found buried on Geode. These crystals are of great value to the Geodians.
Large Geodian Crystal - Found buried on Geode. These crystals are of great value to the Geodians.
Cave Milk - Drink up!
Cave Milk - Drink up!
Anti-Gravity Horizontal - Horizontal anti-gravity block.
Painted Path -
Aimed Turret Red -
Anti-Gravity Up - Upward anti-gravity block.
Painted Path -
Anti-Gravity Down - Downward anti-gravity block.
Gold Companion Egg - Hatches into one of 8 possible rare companions.
Large Geodian Crystal - Found buried on Geode. These crystals are of great value to the Geodians.
Painted Path -
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
Fog - Place this block for some fog vfx.
Rave - Place this block for some rave vfx.
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
Green Leaves - Place this block for some green leaves vfx.
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
Sparkles - Place this block for some sparkles vfx.
VFX - Cave Dust - VFX - Cave Dust
Dripping Water - Place this block for some dripping water vfx.
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
Sparks - Place this block for some sparks vfx.
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
Rising Bubbles - Place this block for some rising bubble vfx.
Pink Petals - Place this block for some pink petals vfx.
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
Onibi - Place this block for some onibi vfx.
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
VFX - Cave Fog - VFX - Cave Fog
VFX - Cave Dust - VFX - Cave Dust
Unnamed Item - We couldn't find a name or description for this item
Dripping Slime - Place this block for some dripping slime vfx.
Purple Sunseeker - Purple Sunseeker
Rowan block - Rowan block
Green Pebble block - Green Pebble block
Green Boulder Sunseeker - Green Boulder Sunseeker
Green Boulder block - Green Boulder block
@Amberine block - @Amberine block
Zepperay Block - Zepperay Block
Orange Pebble block - Orange Pebble block
Purple Boulder Block - Purple Boulder Block
Cragglepod Block - Cragglepod Block
Kevin Stowaway Block - Kevin is Back? Or is he?
Blue Howlug block - Blue Howlug block
@Gabbro block - @Gabbro block
Lazul Block - Lazul Block
Green Pebble Sunseeker - Green Pebble Sunseeker
Purple Pebble block - Purple Pebble block
Purple Boulder Sunseeker - Purple Boulder Sunseeker
Orange Boulder Block - Orange Boulder Block
Froleek Block - Froleek Block
Green Sunseeker - Green Sunseeker
Orange Pebble Sunseeker - Orange Pebble Sunseeker
Jelotl Block - Jelotl Block
Gleemur block - Gleemur block
Generic Sunseeker - Generic Sunseeker
Orange Boulder Sunseeker - Orange Boulder Sunseeker
Lost Candy block - Lost Candy block
Purple Pebble Sunseeker - Purple Pebble Sunseeker
Hoppet Block - Hoppet Block
Generic Sunseeker - Generic Sunseeker
Thlan block - Thlan block
Qubrik block - Qubrik block
Orange Sunseeker - Orange Sunseeker
Huge Geodian Curvecairn - A striking rock formation common to the Geodian landscape around Sunseeker Spire. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Sunseeker Spire Dome - A small building in the architectural style used in the Sunseeker Spire. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Chalcedarny Sapling - A young chalcedarny tree, probably only a few decades old. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Classic Four-Way Corridor - An architectural crossroads built in a long-lost style. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Geodian Sun Goddess Statue - The style and materials may be different, but the Sun Goddess's likeness is unmistakeable. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Classic Geodian Pillared Room - A small chamber built in a long-lost Geodian architectural style. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Geoshuttle - A sturdy and nimble craft used to ferry Trovians from Sunseeker Spire to the SS Solidarity and back. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Colossal Cavernous Glowcap - This gigantic fungus is common to the caverns below Geode's surface, and forms one of the cornerstones of their ecology. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Ancient Orb - A mysterious structure suffused with magical energies, its creation and purpose are unknown to even the sagest Geodians. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Classic Geodian Stairs - A staircase built in a long-lost Geodian architectural style. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Centennial Chalcedarny Tree - Chalcedarny trees can live for thousands of years, and grow to gargantuan size. This is one is relatively young still. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Enormous Egg Showcase - This freakishly humongous egg appears to be dormant, and even Gabbro has no idea how to incubate it or what may hatch from it. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Massive Fungolith - As fungoliths grow, they create twisting rock formations, and this one has been growing for a long time. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Classic Geodian Gazebo - A small gazebo built in a long-lost Geodian architectural style. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Curvecairn - A rock formation left behind as a fungolith grows, this one is relatively small. Placeable in Club Worlds only.\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Moonglow Grotto - Press [HK:Loot] to enter Moonglow Grotto in the Geode cave system.
Green Club World Transit Portal - Takes you to other Green transit portals in the order they were placed within the same club world.
Bomber Royale Portal - Fast, frenetic, and fun bombing action against other players. Battle to be the last Trovian standing!
Verdant Veins - Press [HK:Loot] to enter Verdant Veins in the Geode cave system.
Trove Hub Portal - Press [HK:Loot] to travel to a Trove Hub World.
Geode - Sanctuary - Press [HK:Loot] to travel to Geode. Bring hope to the peaceful Geodians, who are under attack by the merciless shadows.
Blue Club World Transit Portal - Takes you to other Blue transit portals in the order they were placed within the same club world.
Sunken Sunvault - Press [HK:Loot] to enter Sunken Sunvault in the Geode cave system.
Gabbro's Hoppet - Gabbro's beloved Companion.
@Green Pebble -
Pell, Exploration Expert - Come to me to change your discovery suit loadout!\n\n Press [HK:Loot] to change
@Orange Boulder -
@Gabbro -
Battlemaster Bakoom - Reap the rewards of battle.
@Purple Sunmage Pebble -
@Purple Pebble -
@Lazul -
@Green Sunwarrior Boulder -
@Thlan -
Gabbro's Zepperay - Gabbro's beloved Companion.
@Amberine -
@Purple Sunpriest Boulder -
@Orange Sunwarrior Pebble -
Reliquary Keeper Umber - Sunseeker Th'lan has a request of you.
@Orange Sunmage Boulder -
@Orange Pebble -
@Green Boulder -
Sous-Chef Saltina - Sunseeker Lazul has a request of you.
Understudy Biol - Sunseeker Gabbro has a request of you.
@Purple Boulder -
@Green Sunpriest Pebble -
Geodian Recycler - Functions as a Loot Collector.
Companion Forge - Companion Forge Description
MODULE FORGE - Module Upgrader Description
Reliquary Revealer - Place charged Reliquaries inside to reveal what they contain.
Module Forge - Craft discovery suit modules that will give you additional abilities in the Geode caves.
Geodian Workbench - Used to craft strange objects from Geode.
Forever Home Finder - Allow a Geodian to adopt your Companion!
Module Workbench - Upgrade your discovery suit modules to dive deeper into the Geode caves.
Companion Trainer - Level up your Companions to allow them to reach their full potential!
Egg Incubator - Place Companion Eggs inside to hatch new Companions.
Forever Home Finder - Allow a Geodian to adopt your Companion!
Crystallogy Workbench - Craft consumables and other recipes that will help you in your explorations of Geode and beyond.
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