Theory and Application by Elpix and Gortar
While using a Mining Laser takes a lot of time, and using Bombs takes resources to make them, using the Candy Barb in a specific pattern with the Sugar Crash ability allows you to clear massive areas of dirt, from the top grass level all the way to the bottom of the biome very quickly. As apposed to needing many people using mining lasers and bombs over the course of a few days, one person can use this technique to clear entire biomes in a week or less. I will make this guide clearer and with a video in the near future.
The main premise is that when you the Candy Barb's Sugar Crash ability three times in the exact same location, you destroy all the blocks around you in a radius.
You start at a location and dig two blocks down, then leave then hole and go 4 spots from it, and then on the 5th dig another hole 2 spots down. Repeat this for as far or wide an area you wish to clear.
You then return to the first hole you made. Jump inside of it and get your back to it, with yourself facing the direction of the hole you wish to clear.
Use the Sugar Crash Ability Once. Back up to where you were before you used it.
Do this again 2 more times.
If done correctly, you clear up to 130 blocks every time.
This done consecuitevly until you reach the depth you wish, then jumping up into the next hole and repeating the process allows you to work very quickly at clearing land.