- Fixed super annoying camera bug.
- Fix bug where a mob can appear to have no health but will not die
- Golden Beetle now drops golden souls
- Golden Beetles are now more rare.
- Some abilities will now be unlocked when a certain level is reached. The Knight's Charge and the Gunslinger's Blast Jump now unlock at level 3.
- Added wall torches!
- Reduced community chest capacity to 16
- Made a few changes targeted at improving framerate
- Biped NPCs will now use their slam ability a bit less frequently, and its damage has been reduced.
- Percent bonuses to stats given by class levels are now displayed on the character sheet.
- Fixed a bug where player could get stuck at walking speed when using shield and switching to build mode
- The knight's dash attack VFX are 500% cooler
- Temporarily disabled world cycling
- Hats and face items should now all work correctly
- The boss quest defeated X will now appear directly over its dungeon marker on the map.
- Weapon visuals now always map to a single rarity.
- New deco now drops from the Medieval Highlands and Cyberian Tundra.
- New items from Tribe, Cretoriani, Dyzfunctional, Qdarkness, Alethi, Congree, Littlebel, RKon, Valyou3, and Ballakottan have found their way into the game!
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