Besides showing off the new pinatas, we might have seen the first glimpses of the new class.
Teased on Stream
Not sure if teasing a new class was intentional, but we did see more than Valentine and St. Qubes pinatas. Judge and discuss it all here. Dopesheet has a trial on the Vanguardian (new class name?) but is also level 30.
Some things to note:
Fist Weapons!
A shiny Cape!
Changing Action bar, switching between melee and ranged (skill 2).
Stream Footage
Class Costumes
We've used the stream to make a costume of the level 20 "Vanguardian", and, based on the fact costumes get more awesome, theoretically, the level 10 and level 1 costumes will be less flashy. The following is not based on real finds in the client, but just on thoughts. So take the costumes below with a grain of salt, or get the free promotion salt shaker ^^.
Front (Level 1 -> Level 10 -> Level 20)
Back (Level 20 -> Level 10 -> Level 1)

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Info like this is why I love Trovesaurus! Well, plus the giveaways. >_< But I never have the time to sit through the livestreams, and it's so nice to get the information and pics at the click of a link here. Hope this class will be craftable at a reasonable cost!
Looks awesome! Might have actual competition to the Dino Tamer now, with a punching class. Excited!
Kinda looks like the ult is used to change melee/ranged which would indicate that this class doesnt really have an ult skill unless the change triggers buffs. And the superman style bomb looks hard to control/aim. Shame really, was hopeing the new class might break the current 1 cb 7 gs meta