Trove has multiple slash commands which allow players to change their game settings, acquire information, and perform various other tasks.

 Command                                Description                                             

/loc                       Displays your current XZY location in chat.                 

/who                     Lists players who are in the same world as you.

/chatlist.                Lists players who are in the same chat as you.

/getxp.                  Displays your current level and the amount of needed XP  

                             to level up.


/friendlist               Opens your friendlist

/friend                    Adds a player to your friend list.

/ignore                   Adds a player to your ignore list.

/store                     Opens the store window

/respawn                Forces your character to respawn

/showhat                Toggles your hat model on and off; keeps stats active

/ showface              Toggles your mask model on and off; keeps stats active.

/quit                       Forces the game to quit immediately.

/joinworld                Join the world with the specified ID

/getworldid              Gets the "worldID" for the world you are currently in.

/joinme                   Sends a request to join your world, the player will then                          

                               teleport to the requester's current location.                     

/tutorial                   Teleports the player to the Tutorial World

/kick                       Used in Shadow Arenas by their unlocker to kick players

/stats                      Shows some stats from you

/clear cornerstone    Resets your cornerstone back to the default house.   

/mastery                 Shows some mastery rank stats and experience.

/welcome                Opens up the welcome screen

/testarena               Allows you to start a PVP match in your club arena              

                              without waiting for 10 players.  

/debugtest.             Displays frames-per-second, latency, and coordinates.

/region                   Displays current region you're playing on

/dailyclubadventures      Displays how many more rewards you can get from

                                    completing club quests     



/sit                        Makes your character sit.

/pose                     Places your character into a battle-ready stance

/epicpose               Places your character along with your trusty mount

/sleep                    Makes your character sleep

/wave                    Makes your character wave his hand

/dance                   Makes your character dance

/Laugh                   Makes your character laugh

/cry                       Makes your character cry

/shrug                   Makes your character shrug

/bow                     Makes your character bow





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