This is the path I took to obtain Yorinn, The Dusk Shadow. I hope it helps you along the same path.
Yorinn, The Dusk Shadow
(And how to get him without paying money)
- So, the first thing one must do is obtain a mastery rank of at least 71, so that you have 900 Credits.
- Then, you need to wait until Christmas, at which point you should see various sales.
- You want to find the Lunacy pack, which gives you Lunar Lancer, but more importantly the Chaos Codex and Dragon Coin Digest Legendary Tomes.
- The Chaos tome gives you 10 Chaos Chests a week, which helps generate the 25k Flux needed.
- The Dragon Coin tome gives 25 Dragon Coins torward the 300 needed.
- You should also be running Shadow Towers, which will give you
- A) More flux, via Titan's Treasure and
- B) The occasional Heart of Darkness.
- With the amount of Flux you are generating, you should be able to start buying Hearts of Darkness, at around 2.5k Flux per.
- Finally, Login and complete the daily login bonus for 20 Days, which will give you the 10k cubits you need for the egg.
Good Luck and happy Dragoning!