In this article im going to explain trove as a game

Trove is a game sliced into 2 parts: the adventures and the build.

The build part is made possible thanks to the blocks which the trove world is made of. You can just pick up a block from everywhere or buy it and you can start build. To build is better having a club because the things you build will be saved and ready to be seen from your friends.


The adventure part is more complicate to understand.

At the beginning the game makes you choose a pg. That will be your first character(you can change it later)The characters have all different abilities and their own stats.

In the upper left side of the screen there is the level of the pg, its level and the mastery level.

The mastery level can be upped by "using" consumable things like mounts, mag riders,badges,wings etc. The higher the mastery you reach and the higher the prizes you will win. Also increasing the mastery will give you power rank and stats.


The max level of a pg can be 30. You can increase it by doing dungeons (there are some consumable iteams that could help you like duble xp potions) increasing this level you will gain stats,mastery and power rank and the slots for the gems

The last thing im going to talk is the power rank:

The power rank is the actual force of your pg. The equipment can increase it, for example a stellar maxxed gear gives 1014pr. The pr is given from the class level, the dragons, the gems and the equipment. The power rank helps you do group activity and do more damge/have more life. There is also another thing, you have to try build your character with good stats or the gems/equipments can be a waste. There are different pg s which need different stats like gun slinger who needs magic damage and attack speed, but there is also shadow hunter who has a maxed attack spedd, so it would be a waste to put him attack speed, he also uses phisical damge.


The most used way to get equipment is doing dungeons, after the boss is dead a box will appear and it will mainly contain equipment(hats/faces/weapons). If you wanna farm gems you can go to a colored uber world and at each box you will riceve a colored box in your inventory(yellow=air gem box blue=wather gem box red=fire gem box)opening the box will gain you a gem. There are a lot of raritys of gems, beginning from common gems to stellars.

Higer is the difficulty and higher will be the rarity of the gems/equipment:

The game is divided in ubers, currently uber 1 is the simplest and uber 9 is the most difficult. For each uber there is a minimum power rank requirement for joining.

Now im going to talk is about shadow towers and contests.

The shadow towers are a thing you can do once a week to get a certain prize (titan soul, despoiled divinity and lunar souls)

Doing them again will gtant prizes but not those. 

A shadow tower is a tower with 3 floors full of mini bosses and in the 4th floor there is a big boss(this can be dann from a max of 8 players). The boss when defeated will drop a chest which can be opened with a key made in the primal uber worlds. The box when opened will gain you an insane ammount of drops etc.

There are 6 shadow towers made in 3 difficulties, each of them needs a power rank requirement.

Now im going to talk about contests which are really helpfoul to new players, each week will be given new contests which will gain you prizes for example empowered gem boxes(which contain a big enpowered gem)and boosts to up your gems.

There is also a daily contest which will give you diamond dragonite whith which you can make a diamond dragon egg(400 fragments) this dragon is special cuz it gives you 10% of the stats of the same colored gems of the choosen dragon.

The last thing im going to talk about is clibs:

 A club is a world in which you can build everything.

You can do it with your friend and you can manage the permissions given to each person.

A club also has fixtures which are made with clubits(a material made of adventurine) 

Adventurine can be farmed doing some simple quests from some npc appearing in the relly of heroes

Those clubits will help the club pay the weekly rent and get more fixtures which will benefit all club members(the ones who put it as primary)


This is trove, a beautifoul game made to suit you and your friends, if you like this game there are a lot of communitys which will help you play and there isnt nothing better than starting playing with a friend.

Trove is avaiable in ps4,xbox and pc




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