Friday 30 January the Developers hosted a livestream, several of the forum members took notes and I've condensed them into this post.
Thanks to the work done by Zipperumpazoo and Kiriux
1. Shadow Hunter class
- Captured spirit embedded in his armor
- Magic bow attack
- Auto attack
- light damage arrow
- Dark Whispers
- Shadow Marks enemies
- can see mob shadows through walls
- Shadow Mark makes enemies more vulnerable to Radiant Arrow
- Radiant Arrow (Mouse 2): Charged shot, fast arrow through wall
- Arrow of the Goddess (Key 2 Ultimate):
- Can fire through walls
- Debuffs everything around it
- Does super damage, knockback / stun
- Bear Trap (Key 1):
- Can throw multiples like Dracolyte's bombs
- Proximity bombs, snares mobs on contact
2. Radiant Ruins
3. Feb 10th eta for Job, Class and Biome
- Shadow Hunter
- Radiant Ruins
- Profession
4. Megaphones:
- Club Phone
- [Username] is throwing a party, all hubs in the game now have a portal to that world
- Heart-a-phone
- Pick someone from your friends list that is online
- Can search friendlist by name
- Broadcast love to everyone online
- another kind broadcasts custom message to everyone
5. Future Class Balance
- Next week Slinger instant proc cost no energy
- Knight/Slinger will be buffed in a future but no eta
6. Water Physics
- Coming after flying update
- unlimited jumps,
- slower movement in water
- slow fall
- hint at ways to move more quickly in water
7. Wings:
- next week fire wings (maybe all)
- 2 mastery sets of wings 20-100
- 1 maybe chaos chest
- 1 shadow arena wings
- 1 with power pack
Chaos Butterfly Wings
8. Pets
- Qubesly - Cooldown Reduction
- Cats - Lifesteal
- Bots - Flat Damage Reducation
- Raptors - Health on Kill + Movement Speed
9. Tomes
- from highest level Runecrafting
- fills up as you gain exp and whenever is full it pops out a crafting material
- mushroom tome
- robotic salvage tome
- and many others
10. /stats command
- Some stats displayed currently
- Will update on Tuesday
11. Tundra Thresher Mount
- Crafted with Glacial Shards, Bones and Steed Feed
- next week Tundra Thresher mount (wyvern)(?)
12. Shadow dungeons creation guidelines being worked on
- stricter requirements
- more linear
- must include a staging area
- a lot of traps
- need a standardized color palette
13. Power pack refunds
- Was a really good deal so no refund for the flasks
- Anything added in future in pack will be credited to previous buyers
14. Freeform Megaphone
- Can type in a message whatever you want to whoever in game(?)
- Most op item there is in the game(?)
15. Draco in dragon form forever on mount
- not a bug but feature (lol)
16. Hyped user made mounts could get into the game
- maybe spider mount in a future.
Bonus. /dnd
- Coming sooner rather than later
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