To Celebrate the birthday of the Evil One we're doing something different. No art contest, no modding contest, but a screenshot contest. And yeah, Etaew totally forced me to write this page myself.
- Find one of Evilagicians Dungeons.
- Wear something festive.
- Have your username visible above your head (PC: is an option in the settings, Consoles: take one without).
- Take a screenshot.
- Upload the screenshot to the Trovesaurus Art Gallery using the tag Screenshots of Evils Dungeons For Evil Day
- Must be your own screenshot.
- Must be festive enough for a bday party (cake does count).
- Screenshots from Metaforge don't count.
- Friday, November 24, 2017, to Friday, December 1, 2017
Up to a maximum of 20 random people will receive a Land Scaper 8000-T.
Thanks to Dusty_Mustard for providing the rewards. The amount will depend on participation.
Dungeons applicable
The following dungeons are available on both consoles and PC:

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Happy Birthday Evil, may u always be creative and surprise us with yr new evil dungeons, costumes, mounts etc etc and find and share inspiration in yr own evil way. Hugs Swift
i dont have anything festive to use but i do have a suprise for u when you see the pic :D.
also that neon city dungeon is my fave in the game. so expect to see that
(i wanted to write happy b day evil but i couldnt get it in the pic. ):
Does a recoloration of the neon city one count? I can't find the exact color scheme for it... x~x