Ainogommon has forgotten how to colour, help them out and earn codes! Choose from [collection=Cyberian Survivor], [collection=BL-0550-M Off-Road Custom], [collection=Jet Jammer], [collection=Macedoine Master], [collection=Star Skipper], [collection=Maelstrom Monitor], [collection=Windcatcher Webwings], [collection=Green Dinoranger] and [collection=Gleaming Golemancer]. (or do them all)
- Colour in some of the line art below (or create your own fan art)
- Submit to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag Aino Forgot How To Colour
Standard contest rules apply, it's unacceptable to submit screenshots, photoshopped or stolen images.
You can only receive 1 reward per coloured line art of a single topic, but you can submit different line art and receive rewards for them.
- Tuesday, November 14, 2017 to Tuesday, December 12, 2017
- Submission of colouring will make you eligible to receive 1x code of that particular item (limit of 100 per item)
Next reward wave will be December 4.
Line Art
[collection=Gleaming Golemancer]
[collection=Macedoine Master]
[collection=Jet Jammer]
[collection=Maelstrom Monitor]
[collection=Star Skipper]
[collection=Windcatcher Webwings]
[collection=BL-0550-M Off-Road Custom]
[collection=Cyberian Survivor]
[collection=Green Dinoranger]

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Wait, so is the contest for prizes over? since the comp doesnt end till 14th but on the forum (unless its just not updated) it says next prize wave is on the 4th
Normally when contests are running, rewards are granted at the end of the contest. For this instance Aino wanted to grant them as they were submitted, to help manage the numbers.
Due to commitments there has been a period where rewards cannot be granted immediately.
Rewards will start to be sent out again at some point.
Guys stop posting more art for the contest ! Aino is not gonna send any more codes until 4th of December 2017. Then you should post the art.
aww that means i dont get the codes for the other line art i did oh well
goodluck all
Last wave code send, from now on I'll be dead for weeks +, gotta enjoy entries clogged
I'll be back on 4th Dec, feel free to submit entries. I'll check it out later after I'm free ASAP.
Also Good luck best wish o/
uh 2 questions
1: is the tag #Aino Forgot How To Colour or ainoforgothowtocolour
2: do we get bonus points by making fan art