Log In
To create a guide first you have to be logged in with a TroveDB website account.
Guides Page
Then go to the guides page.
Create Guide
Press the Create Guide button.
Enter Name
Enter the name of the Guide and press Submit.
Enter Guide Content
Content for the guide should be added to the Context text area. It uses a rich text editor so you will be able to have tables, bullet points and any HTML.
Always make sure to save your work.
Adding Images to Guide
To add images to the guide:
- Save the guide you are working on, uploading requires a page reload and you may lose any unsaved changes
- Drag an image onto the Choose Files button, or press but button and choose a file
- Press Submit to upload the file
- Once uploaded you can Edit the guide again
- Right click on the uploaded image preview and copy link address for the full version, or copy image URL for a generated thumbnail.
Making Public
When you are ready you can make a guide public by:
- Editing a Guide
- Checking the Visible checkbox
- Pressing Save
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