View the steps involved in completing Trove's tutorial section.
The Tutorial World can support several other players and take you through the process of:
- customizing your appearance
- healing yourself
- placing blocks
- claiming a cornerstone
- harvesting resources
- crafting
New characters start at the tutorial temple, you will be placed in this world until you craft a Hub Portal to leave.
To the right of where you spawn is a Barbershop, interact with it to change face, skin and hair options.
The signs tell you about healing potions you can use by pressing Q.
Up ahead is lava, it will damage you. However you can make it through okay, just walk to the other side and then use your potion to heal yourself.
The Rejuvenation Station will heal you as well as refill all of your potions when you interact with it.
You are presented with a wall, and will need to get on top of it to continue. You cannot break some blocks so it will require you to place some to make stairs.
Press the [Tab] key to switch from Adventure Mode to Build Mode, your charater goes invisible during the process.
Pressing the left mouse button you can place a block (selected from your quickbar slot using number keys). You can also hold down the right mouse button to destroy blocks.
New characters start off with several blocks, you can place them this way, or you can place them at 2 block intervals. Your character can jump two blocks at a time.
Once you are out of the temple you will need to find a Cornerstone Plot. They can be found in empty dark grey areas on the ground. Anything you build in a cornerstone will move with you if you interact with another plot.
A Cornerstone Plot to claim with the Where is it? key.
When claimed, a cornerstone will build itself. New players start out with a basic cornerstone with several signs and a crafting table.
No-one else can modify your cornerstone, and it will appear at any plot you claim.
To leave the tutorial you need to craft a Hub Portal at the Tutorial Bench in your Cornerstone.
A Hub Portal requires 20x Shapestone and 30x Warpseed.
You start with some of the resources at your cornerstone.
You will need to travel out into the world to gather the rest of the resources.
You can get Warpseed by defeating enemies or by destroying grass.
Shapestone can be found in caverns or on the surface.
After the Hub Portal is crafted, go into Build Mode, select the portal using the number keys and place it on the ground. Once placed you can enter it with the [E] key.
You will arrive in one of the many Hub Worlds. That will be the topic for another tutorial.