This month as per community vote on the Trovesaurus Discord, we are asking artists to create entries based on the Fae Trickster class.
Results for Lunar Lancer will be out this weekend.
- Create some
Fae Trickster related art to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag Fae Trickster Contest
- All work must be your own, we check and will usually ban you for stealing
- Stickmen, screenshots, builds and manipulated images from the internet are not permitted
- Please sign your work with your character name or online handle to help identify it as yours and original
- Friday, September 1, 2017 to Sunday, October 1, 2017
This contest will last for 4 weeks, so the reward base is 4.
- 4 first place winners will receive 3x Reward Tokens
- 8 second place winners will receive 2x Reward Tokens
- 16 entries chosen at random will receive 1x Reward Tokens
Reward Tokens are spent in the Trovesaurus Rewards section for things like packs, dragons and mounts.
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