The sun goddess noticed fewer people entering /mf. At first, a confirmation screen prevented random visitors from entering, but with the slow down on Reddit, the realms of forging remain silent. To increase or test knowledge on plugs, sockets, blockers and dungeoneering, the sun goddess tasked a random builder to make a series of trials.
These trials will serve as an introduction to new dungeon builders and will increase in difficulty for the more experienced ones.
General rulesTop ^
These rules apply to all trials; unless the specific notes on the individual trial mention otherwise:
- You shall not touch the sockets.
- You shall not remove plugs. You can rotate them, move them around.
- You are able to change the color of plugs, but only to colors available in the trials.
- You shall not rename the individual pieces.
- You shall not edit the structure of the puzzle blocks.
- You shall not make changes to the .dungeon file.
- You shall not convert the blueprints to .qb/.vox or other files to edit them.
- You shall not spoil the fun for others; if someone requests help on a specific trial send them a private message.
- You shall drag in the .dungeon file a couple of times to eliminate any "lucky" draws of dungeon generation.
- Your every move will be watched by the builder adventurer and his chick.
Your Challenge
By making changes in the blueprints you will need to correct the created dungeon. You've completed a trial when the numbers show 1-2-3-4-5 from bottom to top as seen in the screenshot below. This order should be visible from the floating platform, any other side will not be valid. All edits required can be done in the Metaforge. The general rules above are valid for all trials, but some will have other rules as well.
If you get stuck, you might want to read this dungeon guide, all basics and advanced topics are covered there.
To solve these, you only have to use the following items:
Trial of Misplacement (1)Top ^
Download the files for the 1st trial from Dropbox. Only the general rules apply.
Trial of Orientation (2)Top ^
Download the files for the 2nd trial from Dropbox. Only the general rules apply.
Trial of Displacement (3)Top ^
Download the files for the 3rd trial from Dropbox. Only general rules apply.
Trial of Disorientation (4)Top ^
Download the files for the 4th trial from Dropbox. Only general rules apply.
Trial of Chicks (5)Top ^
Download the files for the 5th trial from Dropbox. General rules apply.
- You're not allowed to touch the plugs in this trial (they be on fire)
Trial of Random Chicks (6)Top ^
Download the files for the 6th trial from Dropbox. General rules apply.
- You're not allowed to touch the plugs in this trial (they be on fire)
Trial of This Looks Familiar (7)Top ^
Download the files for the 7th trial from Dropbox. General rules apply.
- You're allowed to touch the plugs in this trial, but they will need to remain the same color.
Trial of Somewhere Out There (8)Top ^
Download the files for the 8th trial from Dropbox. General rules apply.
Trial of The Last Chicks (9)Top ^
Download the files for the 9th trial from Dropbox. General rules apply.
Trial of Think You Had All of Evils? (10)Top ^
Download the files for the 10th trial from Dropbox. General rules apply.
Trials CompletedTop ^
When you've completed the trials, you basically mastered plugs/sockets/blockers. There might be other trials in the future if there is enough interest. Leave a comment if you enjoyed the trials or if you have other feedback.

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I'm unable to go into this world and my buildings skills aren't great. I hope people have interest in it though!
You can join that world by going /mf :D
Draggin in each .dungeon file will get you started.