- There are now ore veins that spawn! Dig up some resources.
- Equipment now decays over 5 days, up from 3.
- All recipes have been updated to use new resources.
- Metal scrap and flame petals are no longer used for anything.
- All items in the 'Building' category now go into 'Blocks' or 'Decoration' instead. See note at end of post.
- Rare recipies now drop. Consume them to learn new things to craft!
- Medieval Highlands and Desert Frontier now have special resouces.
- Biome specific resources now only drop from treasure chests.
- Added Highlands Workbench (placeholder visual)
- Biome decoration no longer is guaranteed to drop from boss chests, but still frequently drops from boss chests.
- Bottle plants have mutated and no longer have transparent leaves
- Dragging a item from the trade window to your inventory will now also removed that item from your offer.
- You can now remove entire stacks of items from your trade offer by dragging them out of the window and you can now accept a trade where only one player offers item(s).
- Added new and improved mining laser sound.
- Visual improvements to the mining laser.
- More iteration on the starting area and biome.
- Boss mushrooms now have crowns
- In addition to the health potion, you now start with the following recipes unlocked: town portal potion, workbench, color changer, chromatic chunk
- Dungeon bosses now have more health, but deal less damage.
- New items from KrystalKnight, NonBritGit, Samurai0Ninja, and Tribe have been added to the game!
A note about prefabs: items you actually posses are versions of a piece of 'meta data' called a prefab. This means it can sometimes have old information. This is why sometimes a visual won't show up or it will be in the wrong category. You can fix these situations by getting a fresh version (additional stacks don't count). So if you place an object, drop all versions of that object you have, destroy it and pick up that version, and then pick up the other versions you can fix these situations. We'll have a better solution in the future, but for now I wanted to call attention to the work around that does exist.
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