Entries for the Llamastone event. Please post a screenshot of your Llama themed cornerstone in the comments section below.
TaskTop ^
- Create a Llama themed Cornerstone
- Take a screenshot of your cornerstone
- Leave the screenshot in the comments section below
DateTop ^
- Friday, March 31, 2017 to Friday, April 7, 2017
RewardsTop ^
- Random drawing of 10 entries for a
Llama Talisman
- 1x each of the full Llamas

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I know this ended yesterday but i thought winners were being drawn yesterday too? Are all the contest's being done at the same time so in 3 weeks from now?
EDIT- Forget this just seen the other winners post xD
The Lava Llama might be my favorite ^_^
I don't know to post the screenie here, the images keep getting broken, i am sorry for the inconvenience.
Enjoy le spoopy llama :p
I'm assuming this is for PC only? Or would we be able to participate as well from console and have the lama talisman waiting for us on PC later on?
http://imgur.com/a/8JGEl Spotty Llammy
http://imgur.com/a/Y05bZ proof its my creation :)
https://steamuserimages Bottom
https://steamuserimages Middle
I present you, Pink Striped Llama :D
http://imgur.com/a/FfqRm Front View
http://imgur.com/a/sMriT Side View
http://imgur.com/a/Cl1UT Back view
http://imgur.com/a/ODfSb Inside Llama View
http://imgur.com/a/q8dM4 Proof of ownership
http://imgur.com/a/HoKEp Candoria View (Extra) :D
(I made a gif and took 2 screenshots)
Here lies Scary Mary's head with her spine laid out in the graveyard of her fellow llama brethren. Join us! If you dare...