Entries for the Llamastone event. Please post a screenshot of your Llama themed cornerstone in the comments section below.

TaskTop ^

  • Create a Llama themed Cornerstone
  • Take a screenshot of your cornerstone
  • Leave the screenshot in the comments section below

DateTop ^

  • Friday, March 31, 2017 to Friday, April 7, 2017

RewardsTop ^

  • Random drawing of 10 entries for a Llama Talisman
  • 1x each of the full Llamas
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I know this ended yesterday but i thought winners were being drawn yesterday too? Are all the contest's being done at the same time so in 3 weeks from now?


EDIT- Forget this just seen the other winners post xD 

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who won ?


correction: you guys put drawing instead of buildings


We draw winners, we don't build winners :)

wut :/

cant see it mate


my 2nd llama CS this one its a big giant llama tailsman and inside there is all benchs




floor number 1(for now only 1):




I don't know to post the screenie here, the images keep getting broken, i am sorry for the inconvenience.


Enjoy le spoopy llama :p

My Kami llama 

ooo llamas. wonder if somone would mod in emperior's new groove?

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I'm assuming this is for PC only? Or would we be able to participate as well from console and have the lama talisman waiting for us on PC later on?

Llama o' War !!


Llary is stuck on my Man o' war(PC ult)... :D

added few blocks on your cs thats wierd

Yes it's wierd, it's a screaming llama. Almost everyone just added few blocks on their own CS, at first I just want a minimal rebuild from the original state but this might stay. Atleast mine is not a knockoff/googled pixel art ;)

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 http://imgur.com/a/8JGEl Spotty Llammy

http://imgur.com/a/Y05bZ proof its my creation :)

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The contest clearly states, CORNERSTONE. Just fyi

Yeah i know but i accidently built it on a club world and i thought maybe i'd just slip it in and see what the author of the post would say because it is within the dimensions of a normal cornerstone

I present you, Pink Striped Llama :D

http://imgur.com/a/FfqRm Front View

http://imgur.com/a/sMriT Side View

http://imgur.com/a/Cl1UT Back view

http://imgur.com/a/ODfSb Inside Llama View

http://imgur.com/a/q8dM4 Proof of ownership

http://imgur.com/a/HoKEp Candoria View (Extra) :D

Best job so far


(I made a gif and took 2 screenshots)
Here lies Scary Mary's head with her spine laid out in the graveyard of her fellow llama brethren. Join us! If you dare...

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The better looking entries are more likely to win, but I might draw something randomly. I don't think I stated above, so I'll decide on the day.

Edit: Looks like I wrote 10 random entries for the Talisman draw, so the good looking entries can get the full Llamas.

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm why am i first?

But you aren't first, you are submitting anything? :p