Special Console Launch Livestream – March 15, 2017!
Greetings Trovians!
With the official launch of Trove being unleashed upon the world we wanted to celebrate with all of you. Join us on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel on Wednesday, March 15th at 1PM PDT (8PM GMT) for a special livestream!
Come hang out to watch us show off the game, talk about launch, and (most importantly) do lots of giveaways! Come for the knowledge stay for the dragons!
If you play Trove on a console, and want to be able to unlock giveaway prizes in game, be sure to link your console to a Trion Worlds account. Linking your account will also unlock the adorable Cotton Candy ally for either Xbox One or PS4!
This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.
Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/2017/03/14/special-console-launch-livestream-march-15-2017/