Rendering from Qubicle to Blender Chapter 3: Exporting from Qubicle and Importing into Blender

Your model is ready! New let’s get it into Blender for rendering.
Step 1: Export your model
With you model, go to File>Export as>Wavefront OBJ.
Make a new folder (name it Blender Model) and export it in that folder.
If you have separate materials for your model, be sure each model has their own folder.
If you are using this version of Qubicle (2.0.16) then these are the setting you have to have them in:
Ignore the warning if this comes up…
Now you can close Qubicle because you’re not going to need it anymore.
Navigation Keys before you start Blender!
Let’s get familiar with Navigation in Blender.
- You can hold middle click to rotate your view.
- Use the Scroll wheel to Zoom in and Zoom out
- Hold Middle Click and Shift to Pan your view.
- Number Pad (If you have one):
- With the object selected, press “.” to center your view to the object
- Press 5 to switch between fixed perspective and traditional perspective.
- 8, 6, 2, and 4, rotates your view in increments (It’s positioned like the directional (arrow) keys 8 is up, 2 is down, etc.)
- 7 goes to top view and 9 goes to bottom view (both bird’s-eye view)
- 1 goes to front view (but in the case of Trove, back view unless you rotated your object to face the right way)
- 3 goes into a right View (In this case, left for Trove unless you rotated your object to face the right way)
That’s all you really need to know.
Step 2: Open Blender and prepare to Import
Open Blender, Click on the workspace and hover over to the cube that is in your workspace. Now we don’t need the cube here so let’s Press Delete. There should be something that asks you if you want to delete the object, Enter or click Delete to remove the object.
Now scroll out with your mouse until you can see the Camera and a light source.
Press A to select all the objects. Scroll out just a little more, and move them away from the center plane by dragging the Green arrow.
Depending on how big your object will be is how far you should move it. You’ll never know until you import it. Press A to deselect the objects.
Step 3: Import your object.
Go to File>Import>Wavefront (.obj), Navigate and find your files and open the .obj file.
Now if you have multiple models for the material maps, don’t do anything in the workspace and go back to File>Impot> Wavefront (.obj), navigate and open the rest of the files.
Step 4: Scale your object
Now you might see you object being WAY to big, so let's scale it down. First, press A to deselect your objects (Just in case if you have multiple models) then Press B and drag select your model.
Position your cursor away from the object and Press S. You can then drag your cursor towards the object to scale it down. Press “.” on the Number Pad to center your view on the object. Press A to deselect your object.
Page Change Log
- Feb. 13, 2017
- Fixed title from "Form" to "From"
- Created Page