Hi there! I'm Fasti and I love bulldogs. In addition to bulldogs I also love giving people stuff. With that in mind, I'd like to introduce my friend, [collection=Winston Wagglesworth IV].

Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?115309 


He's a brand new ally that gives 8 Jump because bulldogs are famous for their jumping skills.

The reason for this post is because this ally is a little different. The only way to get this adorable little monster is by being a positive force in the Trove community. 2017 is a brand new year and it's shaping up to be a great one for Trovians everywhere!

"Positive" does not mean that you only post happy thoughts. "Positive" means that what you post is framed in such a way as to make positive change within the game or the community.

  • If you reply to posts from new players with helpful info and resources you might find a Winston coming at you.
  • Think we made a mistake? What is the mistake? What is the better path? How many caps are in your post? Is it all the caps?
  • Be constructive in your feedback of the game.
  • Like a player's idea? Say so!

Be awesome and it will be noticed. We're not giving out Winston for every nice comment, but if we see a pattern that demonstrates that you want to make the community a better place we'll hook you up. We'll add the ally directly to your account so be sure you're posting from your primary account unless you want to end up very, very sad.

If you play on a console be sure to link your Trion account with your console so we can add the ally for you. If you're not linked you won't be able to receive the ally.

An important caveat, because who doesn't like caveats? You can't ask for one. Ask and ye shall not receive.

Thanks to everyone who is here reading up on current issues, posting suggestions, and calling out bugs like a boss!

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Proudly using this ally every day :)

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Main suggestion I have would be to allow new players another mount early on. It would keep newby's interest to perhaps have something a bit easier to craft than normal mounts, especially considering the tsunami of impatient consoler gamers. I know I was searching high and low for something/anything else obtainable to ride, to the point that it nearly became an obsession and then I lost all hope until a fellow player got me in their club and REALLY helped me out. There's an idea, club mounts! Wouldn't it be great if a club owner could set a designated mount from a selection unlocked through something like club challenges. They could be called initiation quests. Also, perhaps there could be a selection of craftable mounts that the owner must already have in order for members to be able to use which would give even more incentive for joining, and the owner could decide on needed supplies for supply runs (i.e. an amount of colored blocks shown in a slot in a club chest) which will help clubs and club worlds grow, making clubs, community and Trove even more relevant! I hope this idea reaches whoever it needs to for consideration because I'm getting excited just thinking it all up. Thanks for the long read!

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Interesting. I don't think I'll ever use it in any way but it's good to see the devs rewarding players this way.