In this latest interview get to know PostCard a new Producer on Trove.
Who are you and what are you responsible for on Trove?
I’m Tarja (aka PostCard or sometimes Warcorgi). Producer responsibilities are pretty changeable, but generally I’m responsible for player facing tasks like patch notes and hotfixes.
How did you get started in Trion and the games industry?
I actually started as a technical writer in a totally different field, then suddenly decided to work in the games industry. I started out in Quality Assurance and after bouncing through a couple companies I wound up at Trion before Rift launched.
I’ve been working in QA with all of Trion’s products to various degrees ever since. This is my first time as a Producer.
What is a typical work day like for you?
Generally, my day starts out by getting up at about 7 am, quickly checking various sources for immediate live issues, then walking my dogs and heading into work.
After that it really depends on what needs to get done – I might be tracking a fix and setting up a patch, ensuring bugs get to smart people who’ll fix them, pushing a build to PTS, or even getting to touch some of the store products.
On really interesting days, I might be doing all of those things at the same time.
How does Trove differ from other projects you have worked on?
That’s a little difficult to answer, since I’m in a different role now on Trove than on other projects. But generally I’d say speed – Trove moves really fast compared to most other projects.
Whats the most challenging and most rewarding parts about working on Trove?
I’m still actually figuring this out! But right now I’d say that the answer is actually the same for both – I get to do a much larger variety of things. Right now I’m really enjoying getting to fix simple bugs.
Does the name PostCard come from anywhere interesting?
There’s actually a bit of a story behind PostCard.
I’d used Warcorgi before when I was helping out with public events, but I really wanted a new name to go with this new role. I am really bad at names, so Morgana suggested maybe CardiganCourier would work (my dogs are Cardigan Welsh Corgis, and I was trying to come up with a name primarily for patch notes).
I considered Couriers being similar to Post workers, and swapped the order to get PostCard. Postcards are also just fun to get in the mail, and I have a bit of a collection from friends and family when they travel.
Outside of work what do you get up to?
Mostly I spend time with my dogs (Guinness and Radar – some of you might have heard and seen them on Atronos’ livestreams for Extra Life).
We spend most of our time wandering around outside or (if I’m very lucky) they might agree to nap near my computer while I sneak in some gaming time.
What's your favourite Dragon?
The Corgi Dragon. Which I haven’t seen yet. But you know it’s going to be amazing!
Is there anything you want to say to the Trove community?
Pink Fairy Armadillos are cute and you can’t convince me otherwise.