Trove Screenshot Haiku Contest
Trove Blog
August 31, 2016
It’s time to flex those creativity muscles once again! You may be asking how a Trove screenshot haiku contest works, and I’m glad to hear it, because I’m about to explain.
- Take a screenshot anywhere in Trove.
- Write a haiku that fits with the screenshot. To count as a haiku in this context you just need to work with the 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables format.
- Post your image and haiku on this forum thread or tweet it to us with the hashtag #TroveHaiku before 10AM PDT on September 5, 2016.
- We’ll pick ten winners from all the entries.
- 9 winners will get a Trove Carpet mount
- 1 winner will receive the Grand Prize Prehistoric Pack
Here’s an example:
Epic mount of mine,
Laser mounted on your face.
Pew pew undead fiends.
Here’s a second example, just for funsies.
Frost-covered dungeon,
Gunslinger does not fear you.
I’ll put you on ice!
So, get those screenshots, write up some haiku, and send them in! We can’t wait to see what you come up with! Winners will be picked on Monday, September 5th.
This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.
Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/2016/08/31/trove-screenshot-haiku-contest/
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