We've updated the Trovesaurus Database with the translations, collections, items, deco and styles from the game client.
Please note
Information found here may not be in it's finished form, and may never be added to the game.
StringsTop ^
[$Objective_PrimalPreserve] => Primal Preserve [$Objective_SaurianSwamp] => Saurian Swamp [$prefabs_collections_mount_triceratops_cannon_name] => Laseratops [$prefabs_collections_mount_triceratops_cannon_description] => Not even remotely related to sharks with lasers. [$prefabs_equipment_starterweapon_dinotamer_item_name] => Tranquilizer Dartgun [$prefabs_equipment_starterweapon_dinotamer_item_description] => Used to sedate dinosaurs, for science [$prefabs_item_crafting_jurassic_meteor_fragment_item_name] => Chicxulub Fragment [$prefabs_item_crafting_jurassic_meteor_fragment_item_description] => Crafting Material. Found only in the Jurassic Jungle tree canopy. [$prefabs_item_mount_triceratops_cannon_item_name] => Mount: Laseratops [$prefabs_item_mount_llama_basic_name] => Mount: Hairy Llarry [$prefabs_item_mount_triceratops_cannon_name] => Mount: Laseratops [$prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_biker_item_name] => Costume: Road Wrangler [$prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_biker_item_description] => Dino Tamer Costume [$prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_camo_item_name] => Costume: Jurassic Jungler [$prefabs_item_skin_dinotamer_camo_item_description] => Dino Tamer Costume [$prefabs_item_terraforming_jurassic_forest_item_name] => Jurassic Jungle Terraformer [$prefabs_item_terraforming_jurassic_forest_item_description] => Terraform a zone into the Jurassic Jungle. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones. [$prefabs_item_terraforming_jurassic_swamp_item_name] => Saurian Swamp Terraformer [$prefabs_item_terraforming_jurassic_swamp_item_description] => Terraform a zone into the Saurian Swamp. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones. [$prefabs_item_terraforming_jurassic_forest_styler_item_name] => Jurassic Jungle Styler [$prefabs_item_terraforming_jurassic_forest_styler_item_description] => Style a zone based on the Jurassic Jungle. [$prefabs_item_terraforming_jurassic_swamp_styler_item_name] => Saurian Swamp Styler [$prefabs_item_terraforming_jurassic_swamp_styler_item_description] => Style a zone based on the Saurian Swamp. [$prefabs_placeable_block_natural_dinocanopy_item_name] => Dino canopy [$prefabs_placeable_block_natural_dinodirt_item_name] => Dino dirt [$prefabs_placeable_block_natural_dinostone_item_name] => Dino stone [$prefabs_placeable_block_smalldeco_dino_plant_item_name] => Jurassic Plants [$prefabs_placeable_deco_jurassic_meteor_fragment_item_name] => Chicxulub Fragment [$StoreProduct_item_skin_dinotamer_biker_name] => Road Wrangler [$StoreProduct_item_skin_dinotamer_biker_description] => A costume for the Dino Tamer. What Dino Tamers wear when riding trained Saurians. [$StoreProduct_item_skin_dinotamer_camo_name] => Jurassic Jungler [$StoreProduct_item_skin_dinotamer_camo_description] => A costume for the Dino Tamer. Hide in plain sight. Please send snacks. [$StoreProduct_trove_dinotamer_pack_name] => Prehistoric Pack [$StoreProduct_trove_dinotamer_pack_description] => Dinotamer Class with the Jurassic Jungler and Road Wrangler costumes! Also comes with three class gem keys, the Laseratops mount and two new Dino Biome terraformers!\n\n20 Patron Points! [$StoreProduct_playerclass_dinotamer_name] => Dino Tamer [$StoreProduct_playerclass_dinotamer_description] => An accidental traveller of both space and time, the Dino Tamer uses their knowledge of science and technology to survive in an inhospitable primi [$ClassChanger_Purchase] => **TBD** [$ClassChanger_Locked] => LOCKED [$Leaderboard_DinoTamer] => DINO TAMER [$DisplayName_DinoTamer] => Dino Tamer [$Claims_DailyChestEXTRADescription] => EXTRA Daily Loot Chests for logging in during the Super Saturday Event! )
CollectionsTop ^
Neanderthal Plum Pike name changed from 'Pygmy Plum Pike' to 'Neanderthal Plum Pike'
Hairy Llarry name changed from 'Drama-Free Llama' to 'Hairy Llarry'
Hairy Llarry desc changed from 'Well adjusted, sociable, and with a generally positive outlook on life' to 'More style than a barrel full of supermodels.'
Hairy Llarry category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Rare'
- NEW:
Laseratops - Not even remotely related to sharks with lasers. (Store)
Level 10 Dino Tamer category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Dino Tamer'
Level 20 Dino Tamer category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Dino Tamer'
Road Wrangler category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Dino Tamer'
Jurassic Jungler desc changed from 'Ideal for stalking that one dinosaur the keeps eluding you.' to 'Ideal for stalking the one dinosaur that keeps eluding you.'
Jurassic Jungler category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Dino Tamer'
Time-Stranded Paleontologist category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Dino Tamer'
Ropey Readings name changed from 'Tentacle Tract' to 'Ropey Readings'
ItemsTop ^
Club Rename Tag icon changed from
Major Experience Coin description changed from 'Grants enough experience to take a Trovian from level 1 to 20!' to 'Grants enough experience to take a class from level 1 to 20!'
Major Experience Coin name changed from 'PTS Experience - Level 20' to 'Major Experience Coin'
Major Experience Coin icon changed from
Meteorite Fragment - Crafting Material. Found only in the Jurassic Jungle tree canopy.
Neanderthal Plum Pike name changed from 'Pygmy Plum Pike' to 'Neanderthal Plum Pike'
Empowered Hunting Dart icon changed from
Empowered Hunting Dart icon changed from
Empowered Hunting Dart icon changed from
Mount: Hairy Llarry -
Mount: Laseratops -
Costume: Road Wrangler - Dino Tamer Costume
Costume: Jurassic Jungler - Dino Tamer Costume
Primal Preserve Terraformer - Terraform a zone into the Jurassic Jungle. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
Jurassic Jungle Styler - Style a zone based on the Jurassic Jungle.
Saurian Swamp Terraformer - Terraform a zone into the Saurian Swamp. BE WARNED - this will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
Saurian Swamp Styler - Style a zone based on the Saurian Swamp.
Legendary Tome: Ropey Readings name changed from 'Legendary Tome: Tentacle Tract' to 'Legendary Tome: Ropey Readings'
DecoTop ^
Gold Neanderthal Plum Pike Trophy name changed from 'Gold Pygmy Plum Pike Trophy' to 'Gold Neanderthal Plum Pike Trophy'
Neanderthal Plum Pike Trophy name changed from 'Pygmy Plum Pike Trophy' to 'Neanderthal Plum Pike Trophy'
Silver Neanderthal Plum Pike Trophy name changed from 'Silver Pygmy Plum Pike Trophy' to 'Silver Neanderthal Plum Pike Trophy'
Battle Trophy -
Dino Dirt -
Dino Canopy -
Dino Stone -
Jurassic Plants -
Jurassic Plants -
StylesTop ^
Melee Weapon
Starglass-Studded Sword Club group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Fanged Sword Club group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Fernicious Flenser group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Starglass Sword group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Fossilized Femur group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Starglass Hand Adze group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Sharpened Shoulder Blade group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Pistol Weapon
Irradiated Starglass Shard group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Tyrant's Claw group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Astral Asterid group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Cera-Top Gun group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Time-Lost Steam Pistol group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Staff Weapon
Starglass Staff group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Starglass-Encrusted Bone Club group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Fossilized Seedling group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Tribal Protector group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Primitive Prototaxian group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Peace Standard group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Spear Weapon
Dino Horn Halberd] group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Stone Stabber] group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Spearing Bill group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Helping Hand group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Plated Pike group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Ceratops Trident group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Sea Stinger group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Starglass Stabber group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Bow Weapon
Fin Finish group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Starglass-Studded Saurian Spine group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Slinger Sail group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Sabretooth Reverse Recurve group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Primitive Plainshunter group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Saurian Tail Bow group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Saurian Sail group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Tricera-Topper group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Finned Flynn group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Saurian Skullcap group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Capzalcoatlus group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Flanged Scale Helmet group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Sculptured Scalp Scuttler group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Meteor Husk Helm group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Forest Forager group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Ape Trog Boss group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Subservient Saurian group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Saurian Trog Boss group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Avian Adversary group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Avian Trog Boss group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Amphibian Ambusher group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Frog Trog Boss group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
Beaky Buddy group changed from 'Treasure Isles' to 'Jurassic Jungle'
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