I've just finished rebuilding our database importer, so I'll run it now to bring us up to date. A load of changes will be unannounced and will bring the database back up to live status. A further update will be run tomorrow.
CollectionsTop ^
- NEW: Turtle Tank - Never trapped for long, this amphibious friend can shell any target, whether on land or at sea. (Rare)
- NEW: Hexium Holocycle - Ride into the future atop the latest technological innovations (Promo)
- NEW: Funereal Pharaoh - A costume for the Tomb Raiser. Rise from your sarcophagus and haunt the night! (InProgress)
- NEW: Impish Tormentor - A devilish costume perfect for punishing those who stray from the light (InProgress)
- NEW: Lifetouched Chloromancer - Lifetouched Chloromancer (InProgress)
- NEW: Spring Sorceress - Spring Sorceress (InProgress)
- NEW: Frontier Phytologist - Frontier Phytologist (InProgress)
- NEW: Level 10 Dino Tamer - Level 10 Dino Tamer (InProgress)
- NEW: Level 20 Dino Tamer - Level 20 Dino Tamer (InProgress)
- NEW: Road Wrangler - Saurians may be a little more temperamental than a road hog, but a ride is a ride. (InProgress)
- NEW: Jurassic Jungler - Ideal for stalking that one dinosaur the keeps eluding you. (InProgress)
- NEW: Time-Stranded Paleontologist - One moment you're studying fossils, and the next you're hurtling through some wormhole in time and space. (InProgress)
- NEW: Night Owl - A costume for the Fae Trickster. Whooo haunts the night? You do! (Fae Trickster)
- NEW: Sakura Sage - A costume for the Ice Sage. Formalwear for the distinguished Sage. (Ice Sage)
- NEW: Comic Hero - A costume for the Boomeranger. Be the hero you were born to be! (Boomeranger)
- NEW: Magic Man - A costume for the Boomeranger. Sleight of hand, across the land! (Boomeranger)
- NEW: Funereal Pharaoh - A costume for the Tomb Raiser. Rise from your sarcophagus and haunt the night! (Tomb Raiser)
- NEW: Monkey King - A costume for the Lunar Lancer. Begin your westward journey. (Lunar Lancer)
- NEW: Duskrider Dragoon - Duskrider Dragoons can call upon the power of their mounts to transform into a fearsome hybrid. (Lunar Lancer)
- NEW: Starter Revenant - Starter Revenant (Revenant)
- NEW: Level 10 Revenant - Level 10 Revenant (Revenant)
- NEW: Level 20 Revenant - Level 20 Revenant (Revenant)
- NEW: Scion of Cygnus - A costume for the Revenant. Those of exceptional valor and nobility are chosen by Cygnus himself to watch over the Sun Goddess's domain. (Revenant)
- NEW: Candorian Praetorian - A costume for the Revenant. Throughout Candorian history, retinues of Praetorians have turned the tides of many battles. (Revenant)
- NEW: Super Magical - The most mystical myrmidon magic ever did make. (Revenant)
- NEW: Starter Chloromancer - Starter Chloromancer (Chloromancer)
- NEW: Level 10 Chloromancer - Level 10 Chloromancer (Chloromancer)
- NEW: Level 20 Chloromancer - Level 20 Chloromancer (Chloromancer)
- NEW: Myco Medic - A costume for the Chloromancer. Use the healing powers of mushrooms to grow strong. (Chloromancer)
- NEW: Evergreen Evoker - Evergreen Evoker (Chloromancer)
- NEW: Dub-O-Mancer - A costume for the Chloromancer. Drop the bass while you drop your foes. (Chloromancer)
- NEW: Starter Dino Tamer - Starter Dino Tamer (Dino Tamer)
- NEW: Dragonfly2 - One beholder's beauty is another's terror. (InProgress)
ItemsTop ^
- Empowered Hunting Dart - Empowered Air Gem for the Dino Tamer. Changes the Hunting Dart from one dart to three. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
- Dino Time - Empowered Air Gem for the Dino Tamer. Increases the duration of the ultimate ability, 'Summon Dino Mount.' Increases the attack speed of the ultimate ability, 'Acid Spit Projectile.' Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
- Empowered Hunting Dart - Empowered Fire Gem for the Dino Tamer. Changes the Hunting Dart from one dart to three. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
- Dino Time - Empowered Fire Gem for the Dino Tamer. Increases the duration of the ultimate ability, 'Summon Dino Mount.' Increases the attack speed of the ultimate ability, 'Acid Spit Projectile.' Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
- Empowered Hunting Dart - Empowered Water Gem for the Dino Tamer. Changes the Hunting Dart from one dart to three. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
- Dino Time - Empowered Water Gem for the Dino Tamer. Increases the duration of the ultimate ability, 'Summon Dino Mount.' Increases the attack speed of the ultimate ability, 'Acid Spit Projectile.' Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
- Minor Experience Coin icon updated
- Club Rename Tag name changed from '_WIP_ Club Rename Token'
- Club Rename Tag description changed from '_WIP_' to 'Use to rename a club you are the leader of.'
- Mount: Trovian Tubmler -
- Mount: Drumsticks -
- Legendary Tome: Pyrotechnics Papers name changed from 'Legendary Tome: Big Bomb'
- Legendary Tome: Oculus Opus name changed from 'Legendary Tome: Eye Encyclopedia'
- Dragon Force icon updated
- It's Raining Mounts! icon updated
- 1 Day Patron Pass description changed from 'Use to grant yourself 1 days of Patron Pass' to 'Use to grant yourself 1 day of Patron Pass. Check out the Patron tab on the Store (Press [HK:Store]) for details!'
- 15 Day Patron Pass description changed from 'Use to grant yourself 15 days of Patron Pass' to 'Use to grant yourself 15 days of Patron Pass. Check out the Patron tab on the Store (Press [HK:Store]) for details!'
- 15 Day Patron Pass description changed from 'Use to grant yourself 15 days of Patron Pass' to 'Use to grant yourself 15 days of Patron Pass. Check out the Patron tab on the Store (Press [HK:Store]) for details!'
- 1 Day Patron Pass description changed from 'Use to grant yourself 1 days of Patron Pass' to 'Use to grant yourself 1 day of Patron Pass. Check out the Patron tab on the Store (Press [HK:Store]) for details!'
- 1 Year Patron Pass description changed from 'Use to grant yourself 1 year of Patron Pass.' to 'Use to grant yourself 1 year of Patron Pass. Check out the Patron tab on the Store (Press [HK:Store]) for details!'
- 3 Day Patron Pass description changed from 'Use to grant yourself 3 days of Patron Pass' to 'Use to grant yourself 3 days of Patron Pass. Check out the Patron tab on the Store (Press [HK:Store]) for details!'
- 30 Day Patron Pass description changed from 'Use to grant yourself 30 days of Patron Pass' to 'Use to grant yourself 30 days of Patron Pass. Check out the Patron tab on the Store (Press [HK:Store]) for details!'
- 30 Day Patron Pass description changed from 'Use to grant yourself 30 days of Patron Pass' to 'Use to grant yourself 30 days of Patron Pass. Check out the Patron tab on the Store (Press [HK:Store]) for details!'
- 3 Day Patron Pass description changed from 'Use to grant yourself 3 days of Patron Pass' to 'Use to grant yourself 3 days of Patron Pass. Check out the Patron tab on the Store (Press [HK:Store]) for details!'
StylesTop ^
- Lollibonker by NiviThePhoenix - A child's toy, empowered into legend by its owner's imagination
- Glowering Firefang by Cyborg_Rox - Within it, a tiny ember of the WorldFire eternally smoulders
- Temperamental Tetramental by OverShan - It sputters and spits as its four essences violently interact
- Fatal Flourish by DakotaSpine - Winning is pointless if you can't do it in style
- Winged Warrior by t0ny - Fallen from the heaves in antiquity, it has forged and vanquished empires
- Gearmaster's Gavel by Skormm - Serves double duty as a repair tool and symbol of authority
- Desert Fang by Maxstain - When food is scarce, everyone's a predator
- Graveyard Guardian by MrChAnKy - The blade of a stoic spirit who guards the rest of the departed
- Grindgore by Sufur - This savage weapon was borne by an infamous butcher who claimed hundreds of victims
- Chained Phantom by Atryon - Bound in steel by a dark sorceror, it rages against light and shadow alike
- Soul Sever by gladeare - Exorcises all spirits present, whether rightfully or not
- Eldritch Executor by Cytorax - Dark Fae offer innocent souls to the Shadows in gruesome nightly rituals
- Venomous Vipervine by MOPKOBb - Wicked barbs and venom ensure it can grow undisturbed in the wild
- Candified Skullcleaver by Cauchemare - Excellently accesorizes your Shadow's Eve outfit
- Vestige of Light by Nilari - Kissed by the Sun Goddess's radiance, it banishes shadows with ease
- Placid Piercer by Gumicsirke - Gentle as a cool breeze, until its time to tear the battlefield apart
- Fish Stick by chaseoqueso - Not quite ready to eat, but effective for bait-and-switching
- Tireless Treasure Seeker by kaasis - Tortuous like the road that leads to that gilded goal
- Starglass-Studded Sword Club by Trove Team - Chunks of jagged alien rock line its edges, like the fangs in a saurian's maw
- Fanged Sword Club by Trove Team - Only chieftains and great warriors get actual saurian fangs in these.
- Fernicious Flenser by Trove Team - This sharp-leafed plant grows in thick patches that even the largest dinosaurs avoid
- Starglass Sword by Trove Team - Starglass shards this large are extremely rare and highly prized.
- Fossilized Femur by Trove Team - Sturdy enough to support several dozen tons of giant lizard, before it turned to stone.
- Starglass Hand Adze by Trove Team - Starglass lends itself particularly well to tools with small business ends.
- Sharpened Shoulder Blade by Trove Team - Certain saurian bones can be turned into tools with minimum effort.
- Measured Response group changed from Legendary to Melee Style Vault
- Spud 'Sploder by simplyskyler - Lobs volatile vegetables at foes to great effect
- Shimmering Shard by KuleChicken - A mysterious crystal with unknown powers
- Mobile Mortar by TaroxCZ - Highly portable, and capable of short bursts of sustained support fire
- Balance Beamer by Cenarius - Rapidly fluctuates waves along a spectrum to achieve a median frequency
- Phosphorescent Phaser by Bart - Emits waves across pan-dimensional axes that are impossible to evade
- Trigger-Happy Tiger Cub by MiniTigress - Emits an adorable roar that doubles as a sonic attack
- Sorcery Index by OneWingXVI - Don't point it at anyone you like, just in case
- Unlock'n'Load by GogestickCJ - Opens a path with superior firepower
- Righteous Ring Popper by AlmostNever - By the power of Justice, evil be vanquished!
- Loaded Landmaster by Exozor - Empowered by geomantic magic that taps into the world's Ley lines
- Corpse Catapult by KickRAzz - Its easy to keep fighting when every victory yields more ammo
- Rattling Gatling by Rifdorf - The chatter of oversized teeth accompanies every hail of bullets
- Cryoton Captor by Painkiller300 - Emits particles that absorb the target's energy, gradually freezing it
- Blizzard Bloom by WhiteStray - A tough tundra flower capable of protecting itself from hungry predators
- Chill Billower by Tbshirk - Emits intense burst of cold air to harm and hamper foes
- Freeze Finger by SnookieCookie - Just point and shoot for chilling effect
- Ice Core Driller by Aaronspark777 - A tool for advanced geological sciences, it will do in a pinch
- Snow Sniper by Duskfell - A highly precise piercing weapon, for when accuracy is imperative
- Ice Shaver by ReticentLily - Sometimes, Justice is the only flavour on the menu
- Empowered Flowerpot by GuyDude1337 - These mega-magical blossoms blast away bugs and bad guys with ease
- Machine Gaze by TarTok - It is common for automata eyes to be enchanted with offensive magic
- Handheld Industrializer by BuguSparkle - Reverse-engineered into a permanent "Deconstruct" mode
- Blast-O Bunny by GadgetCAT - A strange choice of branding for such a high-tech weapon
- Pastry Piledriver by ayasebunny - Bombards the target with delicious donuts that cause eventual sugar poisoning
- Batter Splattergun by mygamefox - It may be a half-baked prototyphe, but by Eis-Crom, it works
- Fudge Furnisher by magnet0r - Can also be used, with great care, to decorate desserts
- Prism Plinker by Eioski - The smallest-caliber version of a long line of firearms
- Pinch Pistoleer by Jusiv - This oversized crustacean is the terror of any ecosystem
- Grumpy Grampus by TheFluffyRaptor - Has a tendency to go ballistic at the slightest provocation
- Shrimpy Pistol by Trove Team - It took a little tweaking, but it now works equally well outside of water
- Irradiated Starglass Shard by Trove Team - This particular chunk of starglass has the power to shape history
- Tyrant's Claw by Trove Team - Granted at birth or taken by force, it commands obeisance
- Astral Asterid by Trove Team - Trog shamans use this poisonous flower as an ingredient in their poultices
- Cera-Top Gun by Trove Team - Surprisingly effective at shooting down flying predators
- Time-Lost Steam Pistol by Trove Team - Possible proof that you're not the first outsider to visit these lands
- Dino Wrangler Dartgun by Trove Team - Used to sedate dinosaurs, for science
- Point Pistol group changed from Uncommon to Pistol Style Vault
- Bio-Shocker group changed from Uncommon to Pistol Style Vault
- Nerfed Shooter group changed from Rare to Pistol Style Vault
- Brick Bomber group changed from Rare to Pistol Style Vault
- Bilious Bolt-Belter group changed from Epic to Pistol Style Vault
- Stylish Sidearm group changed from Epic to Pistol Style Vault
- Spud Sparkgun group changed from Rare to Pistol Style Vault
- Aim-Assist Autopistol group changed from Legendary to Pistol Style Vault
- Infrared Irradiator group changed from Legendary to Pistol Style Vault
- Starglass Staff by Trove Team - Adorned with a roughly polished orb of meteoric crystal
- Starglass-Encrusted Bone Club by Trove Team - Tools are adorned with Starglass as an indicator of status
- Fossilized Seedling by Trove Team - Poor seedling, so soon its life brought to a standstill
- Tribal Protector by Trove Team - One who stands up to tyrants is the perfect symbol of a tribe's guardian
- Primitive Prototaxian by Trove Team - Once the largest organism of its time, they are now merely considered 'large-ish'
- Peace Standard by Trove Team - Archeoceratops are much more amenable to inter-species socialization
- Plate Peeler by Milambit - Its distinctive shape makes it highly effective against armored foes
- Cardiac Crescent by Player214 - This arresting arete will bring your foes' hearts to a standstill
- Tricephalous Torment by Xegor - Triple the teeth to beef up the bite
- Glutton's Fork by HuZTAR - Some sate their appetites with food, others with battle
- Prestigious Pointer by Parpul - Magic, resting in the palm of your hand
- Compliant Cudgel by Jinra - So named for its ability to beat foes into submission
- Pentallurgic Pike by MonsterAnt - Forged and reforged over the centuries with great care and dedication
- Lunar Delusion by KingReux - When battling shadows, do not be led astray
- Shadow Shear by LeagueOfDotaStorm2 - A weapon of great malevolence with a great appetite for light
- Hoarfiend's Bane by Stedms - A culture's weapons will evolve to deal with the threats of the time
- Classy Glass Gouge by Kukui - Its ethereal aesthetic doesn't obviate its ultimate purpose
- Igneous Injector by Cytorax - Delivers intense heat through its specially-designed head
- Linear Disassembler by TeeKayM - Methodical decompiling for even the toughest of foes
- Glowing Gladiolance by Guzaboo - An aesthetic flourish, refactored into a weapon by hackers unknown
- Radiant Restrainer by Aodahn - Capable of capturing foes with less-than-lethal force
- Tines of the Tides by Mew2ian - A riding tide raises all boats, but a titanic tsunami clears the coast
- Dino Horn Halberd by poena - It is unclear what species they belonged to, but their effectiveness is undisputed
- Stone Stabber by OmegafacE - You know it's a classic when the design stays mostly the same for 10,000 years
- Spearing Bill by Trove Team - No need to reinvent the wheel when nature freely provides it
- Helping Hand by Trove Team - When life gives you small hands, overcompensate with tools
- Plated Pike by Trove Team - Studded with massive stegosaurus plates, it provides both defense and offense
- Ceratops Trident by Trove Team - Triple the stabbing power, in one tidy package
- Sea Stinger by Trove Team - This giant eurypterid is bad news for anything that gets in your way
- Starglass Stabber by Trove Team - Starglass tools and weapons are vastly superior to wood, bone, and stone ones
- Tiled Tirador by Ernestasx - Crafted and decorated with quality ceramics
- Marksman Musa by PezzBear - Its shape, its fragrance, everything compounds your skill
- Heart's Hope by RuiWen - Against injustice, against hate, against fear. Always hope.
- Shooting Starling by Hourani95 - Fashioned in the shape of an agile avian aerobat
- Fin Finish by Trove Team - A great combination of form and function
- Starglass-Studded Saurian Spine by Trove Team - This fine weapon is a symbol of status among dinosaur hunters
- Slinger Sail by Trove Team - Creates a tailwind for every arrow it fires
- Sabretooth Reverse Recurve by Trove Team - Fashioned from the fangs of a savage predator
- Primitive Plainshunter by Trove Team - Ranged weapons truly shine in open spaces with few obstacles
- Saurian Tail Bow by Trove Team - Supple and strong in just the right balance
- Gilded Sky Guardian group changed from Epic to Bow Style Vault
- Tremor Trigger group changed from Rare to Bow Style Vault
- Sakura Bough group changed from Resplendent to Bow Style Vault
- Weeping Windcutter group changed from Highlands to Bow Style Vault
- Checked Off by Aodahn - One less thing on your bucket list
- Clearance Cap by SugoiTrash - You should be done with this old hat by now. On to the next!
- Insight Igniter by Paullus - The brighter the idea, the hotter the flame
- Inner Monologue by TeamRocketGrunt - Plain to see, so keep it clean
- Loose Screw by Aerg - A little cray goes a long way
- Procyon Passenger by TonyLemur - Probably has places to be, but is enjoying your company for now
- Bone Comb by pandamonium2442 - Specially designed for hairstyles with rigid partitions
- Snowy's Last Stand by Anzy - Curse you, Day Star!
- Fae Circlet by Anzy - A crown of fragrant flowers with mysterious fae powers
- Electronic Extravagance by Lewtac - Sleek, minimalist design that eschews extraneaous bells and whistles
- Warlord's Crown by shakeij - A fetching fender for one who favours fighting
- Elysian Eminence by Walyn - Worn by priests during daily rituals of praise to the Sun Goddess
- Octopod Obelisk by Mirrorrim - An eerie headdress with a distinct aura of mystery to it
- Spirited Sailor's Chapeau by StormBlackwell - Every storm shall pass, and the sea will claim everything. Seize the day!
- Frenzied Fish Head by SalMolhado - Long out of the water, and yet it hungers
- Orphaned Octopod by MappyT - It appears content to hang out on your head and observe
- Widdle Whale Shark by GogestickCJ - It watches the world in awe and wonder
- Saurian Sail by Trove Team - Helps keep you cool by dispersing internal heat
- Tricera-Topper by Trove Team - If you could secure it to your head, you could use it as a weapon
- Finned Flynn by Trove Team - The villains are different, but the basic premise is the same - standing up for the little guy
- Saurian Skullcap by Trove Team - Finding one large enough to use as a helmet has proved... complicated
- Capzalcoatlus by Trove Team - Colourful enough to draw all eyes to you, which may not be a great idea
- Flanged Scale Helmet by Trove Team - Its sharp flanges are a mighty deterrent to attacks from above
- Sculptured Scalp Scuttler by Trove Team - An ancient fossil, painstakingly worked into a novel piece of headwear
- Meteor Husk Helm by Trove Team - Hollowed out by hand, but by whom?
- Gasping Grouper group changed from Treasure Isles to Event
- Floral Coral group changed from Treasure Isles to Event
- Marked Man group changed from Treasure Isles to Event
- Mini-Nemone group changed from Treasure Isles to Event
- Topaz Neonezumi group changed from Neon City to Event
- Neuro.net Interface group changed from Neon City to Event
- Happy Hatterpillar group changed from Fae to Event
- Insightful Incubator group changed from Highlands to Event
- Lynx Listeners group changed from Uncommon to Event
- Flame Tamer group changed from Rare to Event
- Flea Circus group changed from Epic to Event
- Bright Wreath group changed from Legendary to Event
- Phoenix Crown group changed from Legendary to Event
- Sulfurous Stubs group changed from Undead to Event
- Crystal Seraph's Crown group changed from Tundra to Event
- Ancient Scale Crown group changed from Treasure Isles to Event
- Ripped Wrap by CMSthePyro - One of rare occasions when damaged gear proves beneficial
- Statistical Stare by LostInSpace - Should handily illustrate that all you care about are cold, hard numbers
- Suspicious Stache by MashuNeko - There's something about it, but you can't quite place your finger on it
- Crash Doctor by MrBk - Favours helping those who smash their way through life
- Psionic Cynosure by Xeof - Concentrates your mind into an incisive tool of justice
- Meowing Mug by Kot_Manul - Feel at one with your feline self
- Weepy Kitty by GhostlyKoala - So many tears shed, like tufts of fur in the wind
- Bookworm Blinds by Hirakashi - A real page-turner, you won't be able to put it down!
- Generous Gifter by Mew2ian - Always has a special something in store
- Volatile Visage by Towerfall - You really don't want to make this one angry
- Clockwork Caricature by redtacular - An early prototype, it is incapable of conveying emotion
- Retro Respirator by Asykura - Before this invention, noxious fumes claimed many lives in mines across the Frontier
- Cool Lune by B4ileys - Let a little lunar reverie into your heart
- Farmland Phantom by MonsieurZero - On occasion, the spirits of Shadows' Eve remain after the festivities are over
- Snow Woe by ZakkerDoodle - Accursed this fate, to be undone by that radiant gaze
- Digital Reality Interface by Tomkar - Dig deep into the layers and seek out the truth
- Spirit Sage by illiagorath - Find the wisdom without to tap the wisdom within
- Divine Divergence by ColtB - The schism between the Goddesses was long in the making, but its consequences were swift
- Witness of the Desolation by Humpypants - Having survived the Sundering, they tirelessly continue their patrols
- Fishy Fiend by DecibHell - The urge to let out blood-curdling screams is almost irresistible
- Forest Forager by Trove Team - Ape Trogs still inhabit forests, but appear to no longer climb trees
- Ape Trog Boss by Trove Team - No one has seen a live female trog of any species, raising questions as to how they reproduce
- Subservient Saurian by Trove Team - Saurian Trogs appear to have evolved from a single species of dinosaur
- Saurian Trog Boss by Trove Team - Trog society appears to center around one or more dominant males, visually distinct from their peers
- Avian Adversary by Trove Team - Avian Trogs inhabit the jungle canopy, rarely venturing to the lands below
- Avian Trog Boss by Trove Team - Four main species of Trog are known, each appearing to have evolved from a distinct class of fauna
- Amphibian Ambusher by Trove Team - Many who venture into Trog-infested marshes are never heard from again
- Frog Trog Boss by Trove Team - The process by which dominant trogs become distinct from their lessers is poorly understood
- Beaky Buddy by Trove Team - Some saurians are easier to domesticate than others
- Chrome Faceplate group changed from Neon City to Event
- Shimmering Symbiote group changed from Neon City to Event
- LaGrasta's Legacy group changed from Frontier to Event
- Spooky Bonehelm group changed from Undead to Event
- Argent Faceplate group changed from Highlands to Event
- Jay-Khu's Enigma group changed from Highlands to Event
- Wooden Expression group changed from Highlands to Event
- Blood Lord's Visor group changed from Highlands to Event
- Dark Triclops group changed from Undead to Event
- Weeping Wisage group changed from Rare to Event
- Greenblood Grin group changed from Epic to Event
- Monkey Monarch's Mien group changed from Legendary to Event
- Mega Massive Maw group changed from Frontier to Event
- Diamond Diadem group changed from Tundra to Event
DecoTop ^
- Runecrafting Bench description changed from 'Creates Tomes, which create items as you earn experience with them equipped.' to 'Creates Tomes that produce 1 Empowered Gem Box when enough experience is accumulated by completing Dungeons and Battle Arena matches. equipped.'
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