Trove has some big announcements coming at Gamescom, Avarem will be there hosting several meetings and we plan to ambush him with a list of questions from you guys. Submit your on-topic question and you could win a Trove Pack.
- Leave a comment on this page with a question to ask the Trove Team (Avarem) for an upcoming interview, possible topics can include:
- New Biome
- New Class
- Console Release
- other things
I know some of this will be tricky due to information not being announced yet, check out the developer livestream today for hints for questions.
- Friday, 12 August to Wednesday, 17 August
- One random on-topic question (even if not selected) will receive a Trove Pack
The following comment was chosen at a random.
http://www.trovesaurus.com/comment=3361 by https://www.trovesaurus.com/user=13845/amace539

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hey! , i really want to know it they are a new emblems or flask
2/ new dragons with highest stat or a speed mount with a superior mouvement speed
3/ in the cosoles we need to create a new account or not
/4 a report system ingame : for expemle. in the challange or group farming the majority of players camp and dont help us in fight..
and thanks !! :D
in regardrds to your third question no you won't have to create a new account however since the consoles are going to have their own server (still unconfirmed as far as i know about cross-console playing but no crossing between pc and console) you will have to start up as a new player for consoles (no characters will cross-over to give an edge on console) and as for items you previously purchased on pc I do not know if they will cross over but in my opinion they should so as not to force the people who played on pc to buy them again on console
Good Day to you guys!
I've decided to focused my questions more on the upcoming New Class, so here we go:
-1st, What kind of weapon will the New Class use?
-2nd, What type of damage would it be based on? Physical or Magical?
-3rd, What type of Class is it? DPS? hmm, a Tank? or a Support-type class?
-4th, Do you think that this new class will entice old and new players to use it?
-5th, If ever it is a Support-type class, would it be possible that it will use a Melee type-Magic based weapon?
I think that's all for now! ^_^
Thanks for this opportunity guys! :D
Will the new class be ranged or melee? Does it rely on magic damage or physical damage? Lastly, is it a tank or a damager (idk the term sarreh)?
t(O_O t)
What is your idea or concept for incoming updates?, we know that great changes will come to trove more exactly (my thinking) new lore or an adventure that will envolve players into a new universe in which all meaning of trove will change totally and the meaning of things will have a reason, Do you will make an adventure or something like that?, When will be implemented? How long we need wait?... and How about an union with the community in reference to new updates, support teams and translations for example Spanish, Chinese... (there are a lot of people that could help to translate the game, an example of that are the language mods on trovesaurus), Do you will be more open with trove community and their ideas and concepts?
On your opinion: "What is the most difficult and important change that will coming?, What is the great difficulty that you had in the past? and What is the great difficulty that you have (or you will have) now (at future)?"
Why is the PTS server even around anymore if you aren't using it to fix the bugs before they come to Live?
Do you believe that the new upcoming class will be as loved by fans like most other loved classes? Do you most fans prefer ranged or melee classes?
With a new Class and biome upcoming and through this so much more mastery points availeble, will you up the Mastery-Level-Cap? Also if so, will there be new rewards for mastery lvl?
Also since there are "lucky" Dragons now (eggs in chests) will there be lucky costumes soon? For example Pinata-Costume drops (Winter Boomeranger from Winter Pinatas, and new ones like Fall-Chronomancer, Spring-Candy Barbarian, Summer-Knight) or Chaos Costumes from Chaos Chests, etc. ?
Also will you add more random Dragon eggs? For example from Chao-Chests or ToW's ?
Will you work on the meta forge? to make it easier to leave and access and just to make it easier to use overall?
and can you do something about the shadow towers not showing which boss tower your at? if invited it only says the uber, but that means it could be 1 of 2 towers?? someone could easily lie about a tower being ultra dotm when really it's pinata and you'll have wasted your time completeting a dungeon you allready did. you won;t even realise untill you've reached the boss room
as for Health regen. are you going to buff it, or is it going to be changed to a new stat completely? if so what will happen to the gems and equipment that have health regen on them?
- Any ETA on the club 2.0 update?
- Will we be seeing steady adding of new styles/deco in-game in the next patches?
- Just a suggestion (I don't know if this is even possible), I was thinking if you devs can add like an inbox system to friends. Most of my friends are either dead or I don't catch them online. It would be great to be able to leave messages to them.
- I've been playing since Beta, and ever since I've been lagging or experiencing high ping. I appreciate your efforts in solving these issues, but is it possible to add Oceania or any additional servers, or just to solve this dilemma?
- Can you guys do an AMA on /r/Trove? It would be nice to see more activity going on in Trove's subreddit.
what do you think of there being diamond dragon egg fragments as rare drops from empowered gem boxes and you need say 10-50 to make a diamond dragon egg
also please fixe the pirate captain bug where first mate will poof but still shoot even if i get doubloons
I couldn't decided which to ask so I'm going to leave three. If they only want one question they can choose one or another.
What do you think of he idea of having Class Gems deconstruct into Class Key Fragments?
Many people having been bashing Health Regen saying that it is a useless stat and from my understanding it has already been confiremd you are trying to make the stat better. How do you propose to do this?
Fae Trickster's class gem is held by many to be one of if not worst class gem to the point where many consider it a hindering class gem. Do you plan to change the class gem in response and if so do you propose to change it entirely or only change it a bit?
About ST, i think will be nice to change the PR access. for example, do you really think a team of 8 guys 5000 pr cand do sw ultra ?.
So, do you think to put power rank access more real for each ST ?.
Thank you.
(i saiy that because it's frustating when u enter in an all group of 5-6k pr and you are the only one who's deal damage, of course we can help, but not an all group of 5-6k pr XD )
What do you think about having a different seasonal pinata dragon egg drop from the different pinatas? Like an autumn dragon, summer dragon ect
How many dragons and/or classes were you hoping to acheive or build up to? Do you want to have many classes and/or dragons so there is a choice for everyone or are you going to stop making classes/new dragons sometime in the near future? Will popular demand force you to make more classes and/or dragons?
I've heard rumors about a new class called dino hunter? is this true,and why dinos
Have you ever considered making an in-game tool for creating dungeons, hats, weapons, decorations, etc? Making a direct in-game interface and directly testing creations would increase productivity and popularity.
Will the new biome have its own new crafting material? Like Bleached Bones in Dragonfire Peaks, Robotic Salvage in Neon City or Glacial Shards in Permafrost?
1 - you guys are sure busy whit the console version, the new class and biome, and a stack of other stuff, but what is your priority list of things to do? remembering there are still some bugs in game who realy need some attention
2 - since the mantle of power come i saw a realy large number of players quiting the game because the exaggerated time farming(gems and dust) and after this the feeling of "nothing changed", with that said, do you have any plans to do something who will make this time you pass farming more interestingor less tiring?
3 - please, decrease the chance of health regeneration on gems, every single time i get a gem whit health regen, it's not a powerful stat like ctrical damage, critical chance, or magic/physic attack, ok, its good to have some but EVERY SINGLE GEM having this it's realy boring and will not help
4- actually exist so many non-tradable itens, and they are accumulating(like dragon coins), and even using they still accumulate, so what do you guys will do about this?
1) Will Dino Tamer's mount(ultimate) have the same movement speed as normal mounts?
2) Will Dino Tamer automatically dismount(ultimate) when he is flying? (Ultimate goes on cooldown when he uses wings??)
3) How far will Dino Tamer's auto attack range be? Is there a difference in the range when unmounted and mounted?
Question 1: How will you improve the SERVER issues with latency/ping spikes.
Question 2: Are you going to add a limit/players to each PVE world in this game, because as far from what I observed, if there is too much players (15-20 players) playing in the same world, the ping suddenly rise from 200 to 600-1000Ping and doesn't drop unless there are at least 8-12players playing in that world. Will you fix this issue?
Question 3: Diamond Dragon Egg, when are you going to impliment a system where we can get it from other than the Empowered Gem box. Crafting maybe? or Farming it from a certain mob or something?
Question 4: MOB Explorations:
This is a concept that I asked like 2weeks ago from the Livestream and didn't get the answer that i want to. Basically, Like the Elite bosses on the adventure worlds/Ubers, which drops certain rare items such as costumes, styles w/ VFX, Dragon Egg(?) and lots more. Making it more enjoyable to farm worlds with a chance to get a rare drop like those Tough love,Shadow Stain Auras, Mounts:Corgi,Cat,Centaur and Shmeeps. This will make it more enjoyable and rewarding when grinding for gemboxes or leveling classes.
New Class
Can you share some behind-the-scenes class ideas that will never see the light of day?
I'd like to know what they've considered in the past no matter how ridiculous it might be.
1 - I would like to know if theres any hope for a Shadow tower auto party maker.
The spam on shadow tower / global is to much when people want to do normals or even hard modes.
Assembling a team should be for things like ultra since hard mode can easy be done if you ahve 5~7k pr.
2 - I would like to know if there's any hope to improve the ability to hold aggro as a Dracolyte since its suck a good tank but has no way to actually hold the monsters like the candy barb or revenant can.
3 - Any hope for a bigger pvp something big like holding a spot to become a spawner place, them invading enemy defenses / base and doing damage to it more like a pvp-pve aspect destroying structures.
4 - pelase lower the pvp timer for battle boxes more, to get all the boxes in a week i need to play almost 7 hours of pvp that is no good for casual players.
First will rings ever be improved beyond S4?
Second, will the Leaderboard Contest be changed to be more people freindly, ie a UI with more informative tooltips and challenges that require more out of a class then high power rank?
Third, when will the Dragon God be even remotely talked about? (I made this up to make a third but actually a Dragon God fight that can push dragons to a new point would be awesome.)
Before releasing the game in consoles, are you going to improve the servers because of the issues that is happening right now, such as lags, fps drop, etc.?
Do you have any plans to rework any class in the future like the class "knight"?
What could be the advantage of the said "Dino Tamer" class against in any other classes in the game? In PVP, What classes is the Dino Tamer good against at and which classes are good to team up with it
I know Trove is already a pay to win game but will it become an issue in the future for those players who don't spend money on the game?
What can you say about the frequent crashes that happens to the players in which some cases the solutions that you give to players aren't working? and will there be a permanent solution of it in the future?
Are there any plans to do a club ranks and biome permissions overhaul? The permissions gap between architect and officer have caused a huge amount of issues in other clubs from stories I've heard. Perhaps adding a rank as a mid-tier step that can invite people to the club without having the ability to tear down the club world too? A cool biome protection idea could be that biomes are given permissions to specific people instead of certain ranks (With quality-of-life buttons such as "Select All" or "Select Architects" and a search bar).
Would love to see this changed as I'm one of many club leaders that struggle constantly with the current system.
How many Dragon's (without counting this what are already in game) they're plans put to Trove and whether it be any Dragon's what will have also Fledgling and Adult Form's or only Legendary version where we will need only egg and Dragon Coins ?
Since it's been mentioned that the devs want up to 24 classes eventually, it's inevitable that higher max Mastery Levels and higher tiers of Rarity in equipment will be included, as well as a potential for a U10 Adventure World. My question is if this new world will be slightly different. Since most adventure worlds are just dungeons and bosses, maybe a higher tier (or even a new world altogether) would have something like random spawn bosses (but a high chance, in exchange for no specified spawn spot). I think it would be an interesting grind.
I need to know if the console players can play with the PC gamers together? Does this work in future, or have the console gamers to play a separate one?