The porpose of this guide is the webpage Trovesaurus and other different pages and NOT the trove game.
Trovesaurus had a big problem a few weeks with the guides and images created by users. I found the caché of my guide because the owner of the webpage couldn't found the caché of my guide, and other guides. I was nervous because I didn't use Zotero with my guide because I didn't think in the rare possibility of that feilure.
Etaew said me that I could try to found the caché. That is what I did. I found it and I used ZOTERO to copy that caché enterely to my laptop. That caché dissapeared from internet a week ago but not from my computer; so today I used zotero to use the "caché" and copy all the text to the guide.
So, after this introduction I will explain how to use zotero:
You can use zotero with safari, mozzila firefox or chrome.
How to intall: Use the official page to install. The most easy version in the firefox extension.(I will try to explain in another moment)
How to use:
Firefox: You will have an small icon of a "Z" in the tool bar with a white page near it. If you click the Z will appear a box in the bottom of the screen. That screen will show you all your "screenshots/caché" with a "+" in the left of the name of the page. If you clik the name of the page, it will redirect you to the webpage, but if you click "+" and you click the name below, it will show you the "screenshot" and the url will be the address of the folder in your computer. Now you can copy the text to remake the webpage and the you can upload the images and videos by copying the new adress of the image or video.
Also, if you have hiperlinks, zotero will save that url.
Tomorow evening (3/08/2016) I will explain zotero standalone and I will update images showing "Z", white page, etc.