This guide is special, because it will talk everything I know about the mysterious world named "Chapter One" and some theory about this world made by myself. We will, in the same time see how to get the mysterious and legendary "Trone" mount you can get in this world.
This guide is special, because it will talk everything I know about the mysterious world named "Chapter One" and some theory about this world made by myself. We will, in the same time see how to get the mysterious and legendary "Trone" mount you can get in this world.
So, you are a great explorer and you want to see a mysterous world or you just want a legendary mount? If yes, this guide is for you.
1. Finding the portal
Of course, this need to be the first step.
So, the portal is very far in the sea of deep regret so you probably need wings and a lot of jumps. To find the portal, go in the hub and from the spawn, go in the left on your map (or west). Go in this direction until you come to the sea of deep regrets. Now, go very far in the sky and take your wing in the same dierction (Left on the map or west). Go in this direction until you don't see the hub on the fully zoomed map. If you don't already see a little "cloud" made of block and a portal on it. Just search around and you'll see it. You will maybe need more than one try but I'm sure you will find it.
Now, go on the little "cloud". You'll see a strange portal who say that this portal is for lvl 1 to 3. This is the good portal, just go in it.
The portal...
2.In the "Chapter One" world
(This step is just to define this mysterious world, if you want, you can skip it.)
The sky is dark, the blocks have a little white shade on them, all the colors are specials.You're standing on what you think is an uncomplete version of the hub. A lot of cornerstone are there waiting for you to claim it. This is really a weird world.
This is the "Chapter One", are you scared?
This hub, is just the alpha version of the Hub world of trove without all the effects, of course. In this time, it hadn't a lot of portal like now so the tower should not be as big as it is in "Chapter One". It should if the pattern was like now, but in the alpha version, it had only one portal per floor and they were in the middle of the tower.
3.Find the legendary mount
To find the legendary mount that is in this world, you just need to go in one of the houses and you'll find a crafting table that look like a toilet. In this table, you can craft this legendary mount...
A toilet! Are you kidding me?
Like you can see on the picture, you'll need:
-2000 shapestone
-300 faerie dust
-400 water
-500 steed feed
-3 golden seashell
4.Exploring the mysterious part of this world
This world is full of mystery. To start, you'll find a dragon NPC named saltwater sam, like the NPC that sell fishing thing in the real hub. If you lurk around, you'll find a strange cornerstone in the hub with a sign that say "There was a cornerstone her, it's gone now". In an house, you can see a sign that say "Don't attach to this world, it may disapear????????" You can also see an house destroyed in half for no reason.
Saltwater sam, what they have done to you?
Well, this is a strange message
This will take time to repair
But really, the strangest thing is accessible only if you claim a cornerstone because your cornerstone is the only place where you can place and destroy blocks in this world. You'll have to dig your cornerstone really deep, and it need to be every block in your layer if you want to find the little tunnel that is linked to your cornerstone. Once you see the tunnel, go in it. Now, this start to get a little creepy. It's a freaking graveyard! You'll find sign that say that someone is under your feet and the reason why he died. Some are really funny. This part of the world is endless and labyrinthic. Some say that a secret boss or something lie in this underworld.
Spooky scary skeleton
5. Theories on the subject
Well, this world is mysterious and some hints make me think about some theories. Of course, you can reject or accept these theories but I just want to show you them. If you want, say what you think of this world in the commentaries. Now, let's get started.
What the qubesly says is very strange, but I can consider some meaning of those words
- This was just to say that the hub always change in major update in trove.
-This could mean that this world (Chapter One) was the alpha version of the hub (True) but it was doomed, destroyed or something like this to let place to the new hub. This is can explain why saltwater sam is now a dragon and why everything look strange. It can also explain the graveyard, where lies everybody that died in the process.
-This could also be a message from the devs to say that the hub will change again, but this world is old and I'm not sure if the hub changed before or after the creation of this world.
The strange name: "Chapter One" can just say that his world was the first shape of the hub, his first "Chapter"
6. The end
That's it for this guide on the mysterious world named "Chapter One". I hope it teached you something and made you want to go to this mysterious place.
Fiat_Nyx, the Quebec citizen