Cubic Creations – Defiant Few
Greetings Trovians! The second week of our anniversary celebration is underway, and it’s time to shine the spotlight on a Club that’s been with us since the very beginning: Defiant Few. If you haven’t visited this Club World before, do yourself a favor and check it out now! It’s a massive undertaking full of beautiful art pieces, epic battle arenas, and intricate race courses.
Tell us about yourself. Name/handle. How did you decide on that name?
Hi! I’m Market. (My mother-in-law even calls me this. Amongst… other things.) I was given the nickname a very, very long time ago due to my knack for always finding what you’re looking for. When they needed something… they went to the Market.
What was the first guild/club you ever created in any video game?
The first guild I ever created in a game was Ravenstone Covenant in Guild Wars. It was a friends and family thing, we didn’t outwardly go after members. Our first “real” clan was in Defiance (X360) and named InfectedOmen. (We were trying to turn a Gears-head into an Arkhunter. lol)
How was that experience (being part of a guild for the first time)?
The experience for InfectedOmen was an amazing one. I learned so much about running an online community with that group. A bit on the good things to do, and a whole mess of stuff we shouldn’t.
How did you hear about Trove?
Being an avid Defiance fan at the time Trove was announced, I found out about it through the Trion Worlds Twitch stream. I tried it out in Alpha, then again during the Trion Community Event in 2014. Other voxel games never grabbed me before this, so I was shocked when I jumped in with both feet at the start of Closed Beta. If anything was a serious trigger, it was the excitement and ambition displayed by Avarem at the community event. NO one is that chipper and energetic at 9am, so I had to see what he was so thrilled about.
What inspired you to be part of creating Defiant Few?
My son and I co-founded Defiant Few. It started out as just a little spot for Sargonnas and I to mess around with the building side of Trove. We didn’t have designs on becoming a well-known club or even a spot people would hang out. I guess our friendly attitude and willingness to help people out changed our outlook as people continue to want to join us!
What do you look for in club members?
What we look for in club members is fairly simple… but very hard to find on the Internet. lol We pride ourselves on being a no-drama club. Our members have to display a high level of maturity and respect for everyone around them. We also look for the community members that can discuss issues with the game or things they find unfavorable, without questioning the parentage of the Development team… lol
Do you have a favorite item built in the Club World? Which one? What’s the story behind it?
That’s like asking me to pick my favorite child! Out of the whole Club World, I’d have to say my current favorite would be Sargonnas’s Recipe Run. He built a flight course using the Recipe Dungeon scrolls as the “rings.” Not only is it a fun race, but it’s simply the most visually stunning course in the Club World. No question.
Have any favorite club stories to share?
Club stories. Hmm. I have far too many to count, but one sticks out over the rest. December 19th, 2014. The Trion livestream gang came into Defiant Few to test out our first wing course (technically, the 2nd… but the 1st course was too simplistic). This was before the public had access to wings, so all of us were running and jumping after Dopesheet to watch him try out the course for the first time. They freaked out. The smiles on all of their faces during that segment of the stream is something I hope to never forget. Andy found it “very impressive” that I was able to put the course together from only stream footage. (We had no wings to test!!) That has to be one of my fondest memories to date.
If you had to live inside of a Club World (other than Defiant Few) for one week (like a Tron situation) which one would it be and why?
If I had a Tron-thing pulled on me and had to choose one Club World to live in for a week, the decision would be painfully difficult. I can think of so many amazing places in Trove, locking down one of them would be terribly unfair. Voxel Busters would be one, of course. You could easily burn a week in there and not see everything. Land of Milk and Huney, Patagonia, and Varros would also be hard to ignore. Those clubs have some mind-blowing builds that would keep me picking my jaw off the floor for at least seven days! There are far too many places in which I could get lost…
(I’m adding my own question here, too) Why the devotion to Trove?
I find myself very invested in Trove for two reasons. The constant updates and additions to the game show me the Dev team is just as invested as I am. The other reason is the demeanor of the Trove team. I’ve been chatting with quite a few of them for nearly two years now and they’ve always listened to what the community has to say about the game. You won’t find that in other game developers very often. To close this book, I have to say that I love Trove and still get that “new game” excitement every time I click that big, red play button. I hope that continues for years to come. Cheers!
Thank you so much, Market for all you do for the community! We’re having a blast looking back on the year behind us and appreciate the Defiant Few, and all of our players, for being part of this wild adventure!
This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.
Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/2016/07/20/cubic-creations-defiant-few/