Patch Flasky Tuesday Edition
Trove Forums
May 16, 2016
Weekly Events
Misc Changes & Bug Fixes
- Chaos Chest contents have been shuffled! This week, get your hands on Shock (the Monkey)!
- Fast Fishing! For this week fish twice as fast!
- Flasks are on sale! All credit prices have been halved for this week only!
Misc Changes & Bug Fixes
- Right clicking on a item's icon that is listed the Market Place sale will now cancel the listing.
- Additional logging to help improve latency down the line!
- Fixed a bug where interacting with a Loot Collector, then closing the loot collector, then right clicking an item in your inventory wouldn't try to equip that item.
- Fixed a bug where right clicking items in Chests with the Marketplace and Inventory both open would incorrectly try to put items from your inventory into the Marketplace sale slots.
- Fixed bug where store sometimes didn't immediately disable purchase buttons after buying products that cannot be repurchased.
- Fixed a bug where players could get stuck if they changed classes while dodging.
- Fixed an issue where the Ice Sage's Frozen Ward could stick around after changing classes.
This page was created automatically from http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?99361-Patch-Flasky-Tuesday-Edition
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