We're looking at making some changes to how you find/see club worlds and we wanted to post here first since we both don't want it to be a surprise and also wanted to get some input before it goes live.
Specifically we've hit a point where the 'featured worlds' UI is no longer scaling. We can't show all the worlds in the game and we're just getting more all the time. On top of that this just keeps getting harder to navigate and use and the same worlds always sit on top.
First of all, what have our goals been for connecting to club worlds?
It's possible to 'randomly' explore new worlds and see new things
We tackled this with the portals in the Hub world. If you ever just want to roll the dice and see what you get, these are a great way to see something new.
It's possible to create a network of worlds if you want to
Worldlink portals do this!
If there's a world you want to go to you can
So far this has been tackled through 'featured worlds', however as above this has become unwieldy and doesn't scale well. What we're going to try is adding a few new commands. One which gets a 'world ID' for the world you're in (permanent worlds only) and one which lets you jump to a world based on the ID. The idea here is that it lets you 'link' and share any world you want to however you want to. Want to make a list of worlds on the wiki or in an out of game guide? Go for it. Want to put your number in chat and invite people to your world that way? Great.
In conclusion
We'll be adding these commands in the next patch and we'll be phasing out the featured worlds list out shortly after. If it turns out there's more work to be done in terms of connecting players and worlds we'll certainly do it, but we wanted give you guys the heads up on these upcoming changes and open up the opportunity to talk about other ideas with the community.
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