
Potion de collecte de cristaux +50% x5

Increases Crystal and Shadow Shard Gathering from all sources by 50% for the next hour!

Crafted at the Crystology Workbench.

Métamatière x10

Geode Crafting Material. A powerful crafting material that can transform into any shape and size.

Obtained from opening Reliquaries.

Reliquaire le plus chanceux

Gives Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.


Credits 10,000

In-game currency obtained from completing some badges, opening Credit Pouches or bought in the Store for real money. Can be used to purchase various items in the Store

Note: Credits are unlikely to be contained in codes from Trovesaurus Rewards.

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Very overpriced. Seriously, only 10 metamatter and 6 lodestars? Very stingy.