Resistor Dragon PackTrove Pack

$50 (7500 Credits)

Released March 2018, purchased from the Trove Store

Show some real resistance with the help of a new dragon mount and more. | |


+50% 어드벤처린 포션
[+50% Adventurine Potion]

Earn 50% more Adventurine for the next hour!

Crafted at the Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.

C455-안드라 대리인 클럽 소환 비콘
[C455-Andra Beacon]

Use this to call forth a proxy of C455-Andra.

Only works in club worlds. Crafted at the Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.

Massive World Bosses despawn after 15 minutes.

거대 촉수괴물 클럽 소환 비콘
[Tentakiller Beacon]

Use this to call forth a Titantic Tentakiller.

Only works in club worlds. Crafted at the Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.

Massive World Bosses despawn after 15 minutes.

트로이 전파자 클럽 소환 비콘
[Trojan Beacon]

Use this to call forth a Trojan Propagator.

Only works in club worlds. Crafted at the Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.

Massive World Bosses despawn after 15 minutes.

큰 네온 은닉품
[Greater Neon Cache] x10

Open for valuable Neon City crafting materials, Beacons, or (rarely) tradeable costumes, allies, or mounts!

레지스터 드래곤의 황금알
[Golden Resistor Dragon Egg]

Hatches into Hoshizora, Luminary of Hope! \n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +7% Attack Speed, +1000 Max Health and +50 Magic Find.


블러카토미 타워

Placeable in Club Worlds only. A life-sized replica of the Resistor headquarters in Luminopolis. Warning: Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.