
Snake is a npc found in the following biomes: Shadow Pinnacle,

It uses the NPC Rig: caterpillar_large and NPC Group: mob_hydra_snake_baby .

Dev Tracker 4
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Snake"

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Quote Originally Posted by Alaskan View Post
Well, it's been nearly 2 years since shadow hydrated was accepted, and still ain't in. Maybe eventually.
The Shadow Hydrakken is coming with the Shadow Tower update (the update after Megalithic).

Preview: ros (NW from spawn. just beyond tree with giant snake wrapped around it) /joinworld cryst Show


Hey folks,

I tried, and just couldn't narrow it down to 1 winner and 5 runners up. I ran picks by the team and everyone was so impressed by these builds that we're doubling up.

We have two Grand Prize winners, each getting a Mega Pinata!
  • /joinworld Crazy Army
  • /joinworld The Knights of Glory

Our ten runner's up are:
  • /joinworld Highland Scots
  • /joinworld Robo Meisters
  • /joinworld Legion Of Fanfickle (head south of the spawn point, and just beyond the river you will see it)
  • /joinworld Eat Me
  • /joinworld Rainbow Dimension (southeast from spawn point)
  • /joinworld defiant few (head through the blue portal right next to spawn)
  • /joinworld Midnight Elite (behind you at spawn point. head north east, visible from spawn)
  • /joinworld Varros (NW from spawn. just beyond tree with giant snake wrapped around it)
  • /joinworld crystal cave (go west over the bridge and up the staircase for giant fossils)
  • /joinworld Kingpiggypoopooclub

I'll get those prizes sent out later today. Everyone should take the time to run through these Club Worlds (and any who submitted here).

We’re unlocking the new Jurassic Jungle biome and releasing the Dino Tamer upon the world tomorrow. In celebration, we’re throwing a Dino Build Party! Create a dino-themed build in your Club World and share your glorious creation with us here on our forums or via Twitter using the hashtag #JoinTheParty.

Your build can be big or small - what matters most is creativity. No paleontologists will be involved in picking winners, so go wild! If you have a building crew, get brainstorming now. For solo builders, focus on making something uniquely you.
  • Build a dinosaur themed creation in a Club World
    1. This can be the Dino Tamer, a real dinosaur, or a unique creation of your very own
  • Submit a screenshot and the name of the Club World where it’s located
    1. Entries must be sent via Twitter with the hashtag #JoinTheParty or posted to this forum thread. Be sure to include directions to find the build in your Club World!
    2. To be eligible, your entry must be received by Wednesday, September 21 at 4PM PDT (11PM GMT)
  • We’ll look over all eligible entries and pick winners to be announced/visited during the Trove livestream at 12:30PM PDT, Friday, September 23.
  • The Grand Prize winner will receive a Mega Piñata! That’s 800 piñatas to share with your friends! You’ll be able to keep the party going for weeks!
  • Five runners up will each earn an Ultimate Piñata Party with 100 piñatas and a Club Phone to invite other players to party with you and check out your amazing creation!

We’re excited to see what you can come up with - celebrate the discovery of this lost world of the Dino Tamer. Let’s get this party started!

The colors make it a little hard to tell what is happening right away. I would suggest sticking to a more natural snake color mostly because the design of the yellow is so strong against the black that you lose the models shape as a whole.

The zig zag design feels a bit messy atm. I would try doing it with right angles in sort of a box wave pattern Check out this sciencey image that still somehow shows what I mean basically I think you can get the zig zag snake look with using right angles instead so it feels more clean and trove like. Trove does a lot of boxy and not so many diagonal designs. I could be wrong but it's missing something atm. So I would toy around with this idea and see where it takes you.