Crystal Pinata
Crystal Pinata is a npc found in the following biomes: None Set
It uses the NPC Rig: pinata and NPC Group: mob_pinata .
Dev Tracker
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Crystal Pinata"
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Crystal Pinata"
PTS Patch Notes - June 12, 2018
PostCard / Trove Forums
Preview: one will get all the rewards. The Crystal Pinata mount will now appear in the Show
Additional Updates
- In Battle Royale and Battle Arenas, Club Phone broadcasts will now only show in chat, and not in the top middle of the screen.
- Cinnabar Veins now have a rare chance to drop Miner's Troves.
- Crystallogy now has recipes for a Geode Hub portal and batches of various consumables.
- Bomber Royale Leaderboards will no longer erroneously indicate everyone will get all the rewards.
- The Crystal Pinata mount will now appear in the Adventure inventory.