The Dracolegion
Mod Packs (List)
Created by
Jusiv 8 years ago, updated 3 years ago
This is a huge collab between SkyRider3217, Pennry, SkyTheVirus, TechnoShyft, PotatoeUnicorn, Cicasajt, and Jusiv (myself) where we made a set of 10 dracolyte costumes, each based of off a different legendary or rare dragon from the world of Trove.
WARNING: the Starter, Level 10, Level 20, Ashen Beast, and Shadow Maw Dracolyte costumes all use the same Burnt Offering model, and so .tmods for costumes replacing these cannot be used together.
However, we DO offer .zip versions of most of the mods in this pack on their forum thread:
There is also one more costume there which isn't available on Trovesaurus: Selene's Servant, made by Cicasajt.
WARNING: the Starter, Level 10, Level 20, Ashen Beast, and Shadow Maw Dracolyte costumes all use the same Burnt Offering model, and so .tmods for costumes replacing these cannot be used together.
However, we DO offer .zip versions of most of the mods in this pack on their forum thread:
There is also one more costume there which isn't available on Trovesaurus: Selene's Servant, made by Cicasajt.
Downloading via TroveTools.NET requires having it installed